
Showing posts from January, 2012

Thoughts on Fitness

Hello Everyone, I am going to talk a bit about fitness and some of my journey. As well as Beachbody programs that I am doing, and will hybrid If you read My Gym Experience you'll see a little bit o the backstory to this, but for the benefit of those who haven't read it or may not want to search back, I'll be brief 1. Friend was diagnosed with being pre diabetic 2. I was heftier than him and thought it was time for a chang 3. I knew I had to get serious about weight loss 4. I knew it wouldn't be easy 5. I knew it would be worth it So I joined a gym at a local college and I have to say the change of semesters was a treat. I stayed focus and the weight started coming off. Clothes no longer fit and I had to give some away because they were too big. I feel more confident now because I can wear a tank top, I never did before the summer of 2010. My chest was lifting up a bit and I'm like...what? Oh my goodness, I can buy and WEAR them! I also looked goo