
Showing posts from May, 2022

My problem with a lot of anti childfree articles

As I've discovered the childfree community I've decided to look at some articles geared toward being "anti childfree" to get a glimpse into what they think as well as how the discussion tends to be framed. I came away with some things I found problematic about these anti childfree articles Having a child doesn't guarantee that your  family will visit you when you're in a nursing home at times other than Thanksgiving and Christmas e  1.  They zoom out focusing on society, not inward about personal choice  I t is MY decision whether to have a child or not. Society doesn’t get to make that decision for me. Society won’t be there for the 2am bottle feedings, Society won’t relieve a tired Mom when she’s burned out. SOCIETY won’t take my husband out on a date when we get tired of parenting and just want to be ourselves. SOCIETY won’t babysit for me, so why does SOCIETY get to pressure me into having a child because they’re falling below replacement rate. There are