
Showing posts from April, 2014

6 Things I Don't Understand About The Fat Acceptance Movement (My Commentary in Bold)

Carolyn Hall writes 6 Things I Don’t Understand About the Fat Acceptance Movement 1. America is  extremely  accepting of fat. The fact is that America is more accepting of fat than gay people. Being fat is genetic, being gay is a lifestyle choice, and the fact that we’d rather tell a kid that they are “big boned” or “a little tubby” and that it’s okay because everyone in the family is then we are lying and helping no one but ourselves, and that’s selfish. My favorite meme is a patient saying: The problem is doctor, obesity runs in my family To which the doctor replies: The problem is NO ONE runs in your family  I’ll be the first to say that our body is our greatest fat shamer because it  will rebel against us with a heart attack, diabetes, joint & back pain for carrying such a heavy load. It’s like over packing a suitcase and being surpri

Racism & The Obama Presidency

I saw some footage of an exchange between Louie Gohmert R-TX and AG Eric Holder where Gohmert accused Holder of not taking a Congressional investigation seriously and Holder finally had the spine to stand up to Gohmert and say “You don’t wanna go there, don’t assume that this isn’t important to me” and then Gohmert shot back that Congress was trying to get to the bottom of Fast & Furious where “innocent Mexicans died” of course that was a dig at the administration, don’t confuse it with sincere regard for the Mexicans who were allegedly killed Afterward at an NAACP speech, Holder said “Forget that it’s me, when have you EVER seen an Attorney General Of the United States treated like I was by a House Panel?” Everyone attended knew exactly what he was talking about, it was a dog whistle of a different sort, calling out racism without exactly using the term racism. See, AG Holder and President Obama have often had to be very careful, whether necessarily or not about talking abou