
Showing posts from August, 2015

Top 10 Controversial Supreme Court Rulings

Courts are not without controversy, whether upholding a law or striking down a law and the reasoning, someone will rail against those 5 unelected judges who narrowly decided an issue. The Supreme Court is a wild card all its own. One thing is guaranteed, whether you’re liberal or conservative…the Supreme Court has let you down. There are a lot of decisions they make and they have the final say for better or worse. With that, here is my list of Top 10 Controversial Supreme Court rulings, and let me tell you it wasn’t easy to decide 10 Brown v. Board of Education, 1954 Kicking off our list is something that started with Plessy v Ferguson where Homer Plessy in a test case to repeal the Separate Car Act enacted in 1890 by the Louisiana State Legislature, he went all the way to the Supreme Court where separate but equal got its start. However, as time passed by segregation was anything but equal as black schools were underfunded, dilapidated and overcrowded. After Brown v. Boa

We Need Black Lives Matter Because All Life Truly Doesn't Matter

Have you ever done something or made something or tried to make a point and someone turned it into something that it wasn’t meant to be? Many companies have a vision, and then another controlling interest comes in and tries to say they’re going to make it better. They want to take what is and make it into something, take it to a new level, and the original people start to fight it out with the new controlling interest because they know what works, they know the original blueprint and to take it down this road would dilute the brand. That is happening in another arena. Where people are asserting their humantiy, only to see others bastardize it. After Michael Brown was killed by Darren Wilson, we saw outrage. Let it be known that this was a pattern happening in Ferguson, MO with police brutality and Michael Brown was just the final light that hit the powder keg there. This and many other stories like Freddy Gray,   Rekia Boyd, Trayvon Martin and recently Sandra Bland has made