
Showing posts from May, 2018

Real Newsblast Episode 10: Independent, Question? Strikes Anchorage

Independent, Question? Tim Canova ran against Debbie Wasserman Schultz in 2016 and lost his race then. However, there has been no way to verify the results since the Broward County Election Board destroyed any way to verify the results. The County Elections Commissioner also openly backed Debbie Wasserman Schultz.  He had been on the path of challenging her as of 2018 and come to the conclusion that Annie Rice did: run as an Independent and challenge the status quo I back this decision because at least there is a way to truly run against her and not get shut out of the General since he wouldn't  in this case lose the Primary and his way to run against her. At times, you have to run outside of the party. I am hopeful that his voters from 2 years ago and canvassing the district will pull it off this time Strikes U of IL grad students union went on strike over pay, healthcare and childcare costs WV shut down their schools statewide and got a pay raise. Their hea