
Showing posts from May, 2015

10 Questions the Supreme Court Asked in Obergefell v Hodges Marriage Case

·       Chief Justice Roberts asked whether expanding marriage to include gay couples would lead to marriage’s redefinition We’ve already redefined marriage: Did Ginsburg’s Dad get a dowry for her? Did Elena Kagan get raped by her husband and have to marry her? Was Sotomayor a virgin on her wedding day? Better yet, why not stone Calista Gingrich now? Can Ginny Thomas be sued under her own name? Can Alito’s wife own property in her own name? These already show that we’ve redefined marriage today as a union of equals rather than societally defined roles that are dictated to us. The only definition of marriage is between the two people in it ·          Justice Kennedy expressed concern about whether it was prudent for the Supreme Court to step in and change the definition of an institution that was as old, to use his language as “millennia.” In short, he asked whether it was is imprudent and unwise to suggest that the Supreme Court knows better than ancient history and