
Showing posts from March, 2012

LGBT Youth

Hello All, I’ve always been thinking about the next generation and what world I want to leave them. I’ve always thought that no matter what I want the youth that I deal with to know one simple truth: That I care about them, that I love them as they are, and that I will do all I can to help them grow into the beautiful butterfly they are. I don’t want another Billy Lucas, Raymond Chase, Zachary Harris or Justin Aaberg. In fact, it was reported that Justin’s younger brother was about to drown himself so that he’d see Justin again. It is terrible that Justin is gone from us physically, but also from his Mom, his family, his friends that loved him so much. Zachary Harris could’ve grown up to be a Doctor that found a cure for cancer, Raymond Chase could have been a scientist, chemist that could have come up with a cure for Alzheimer’s, he could’ve been the creative force behind the cure for HIV/AIDS, he could’ve been an entertainer that showed the injustice of America’s war

Find Me The Gay Gene

Hello All, Find Me “The Gay Gene” Herman Cain said that he believed being gay is a choice. I would ask him how he knows since he’s straight and if he chose to be straight. I knew I was gay since I was 7, I was never straight—I was always gay. I always loved men and for me the feeling of a man in my arms, not just any man but that one special man who I love makes me feel good inside. I have always known I was different, peculiar, odd, unusual, atypical, and uncommon, strange…I was the “nice young man” that older women would love to see their daughters with,  and yet I still thought to myself: I don’t see myself with their daughters . I always felt that I wanted so many things that are traditional such as getting married, setting down, having a family, and I felt that I should have that because I am no different. However, I had no real blueprint in front of me on how I would do this. I had no real gay role models; I had not known black gay people at all. I knew no gay peop