
Showing posts from June, 2013

Do All Gays Have To Love Lady Gaga?

Hey Paul So I remember you doing a video where you said you ran across two gay guys that played Gaga for 3 hours and you’d have been charged with a hate crime for beating up two gay guys but it wasn’t because they were gay, they were just assholes. The fact that you didn’t throw any slurs at them and confronted them over the volume of their music would’ve indicated to me that no malicious intent or hate crime worthiness was involved. I would’ve let you off with a warning and maybe sentenced them to listen to a genre of music they didn’t like for 3 hours…hey…it’s my courtroom. So, do all gays like Lady Gaga? Do all black people speak like slaves? Do all white people smell like wet dog when they come in from the rain? Are all gay guys feminine? Have all gay guys seen Cabaret the play? I have only because some friends invited me and I think one of my friends were in it Do all lesbians wear flannel and act like a lumberjack? Are NO GAY MEN wearing flannel and acting like lumb

One Sided Frienships/Relationships

Hello Youtube, I hope you dig the theme for the video. I wanted to talk about one sided relationships as well as friendships. I am never afraid to go out and experience things, and I have a friend I love and respect who I wanted to do a Barbara Walters style interview with so that I could capture it and basically put it up on facebook but most of all, have it for memories. Friend said they didn’t want to do it so I wanted to know why, and he gave me a: I just don’t wanna do it. When I pressed further, there was just a: I don’t want to take it or leave it. Now, this made me pissed off because as far back as I could remember; I have been drawn into other peoples’ worlds, seeing their interests but they haven’t seen too many of mine or shrug it off without a thought. I am always the one giving because that’s what I do. In my relationship, I AM the Geek, that loyal one that gives all of himself and utmost devotion and if you don’t believe me, take it from a true geek here:   This is fro

My PRIDE 2013

Pride 2013 This year the theme was fearless which I think based on community politics was a very ironic theme. That’s another video for another day. But I’ll note that I can’t count how many times people have complained that their PRIDE center is more of a Center sans the PRIDE and unwilling to actually make a difference or reach out to grassroots LGBT organizations. But let me run you through my PRIDE 2013. Now, PRIDE 2012 was weird because I actually didn’t march in the parade I walked after it because I had to take a nap after I woke up late because I worked overnights. NOT THIS TIME! I decided that I would go and march with a group called Fabulous Friends this year and the night before I couldn’t sleep. I was too excited and I was also watching that show in the UK called Playing it Straight with a HILARIOUS commentator as well as some Boy Meets Boys. So 10am comes around and I’m showering, 1 and 12 is lineup and I eat some eggs and chicken don my shirt that says Bottoms Love

Some News From Around The Country

For those of you who might be interested, my accompanying video to the blogpost is here: AR and IN have something in common regarding abortion legislation as a law in each state was challenged. TX, Rick Perry has vetoed a buy American Buy Texas legislation that would make all government agencies buy American goods. Jan Brewer, Kasich and Rick Scott are a handful of Republican Governors taking a deal with the federal government for Medicaid Expansion   Let me get to the exceptions here with Governor Brewer. I think she is evil incarnate but when it comes to tying up all legislation until the budget is passed with Medicaid Expansion, I am on her side with this. She has refused to sign one single bill until the Legislature passes a budget for Medicaid Expansion which will help the poorest citizens with funds from the federal government which will provide most of the money and the state will kick in what is comparatively miniscule a