Real Newsblast Episode 10: Independent, Question? Strikes Anchorage

Independent, Question?

Tim Canova ran against Debbie Wasserman Schultz in 2016 and lost his race then. However, there has been no way to verify the results since the Broward County Election Board destroyed any way to verify the results. The County Elections Commissioner also openly backed Debbie Wasserman Schultz.  He had been on the path of challenging her as of 2018 and come to the conclusion that Annie Rice did: run as an Independent and challenge the status quo

I back this decision because at least there is a way to truly run against her and not get shut out of the General since he wouldn't in this case lose the Primary and his way to run against her.

At times, you have to run outside of the party. I am hopeful that his voters from 2 years ago and canvassing the district will pull it off this time


U of IL grad students union went on strike over pay, healthcare and childcare costs

WV shut down their schools statewide and got a pay raise. Their health insurance is another matter I will look at soon

OK and KY have both went on strike. OK had said that they were going to wait until their standardized testing week to strike if they didn’t get what they wanted from the state. Gov Fallon responded by calling them teenagers who wanted a new car. I didn’t know that college educated teachers who went to school and may even have advanced degrees and demanding to get paid what they deserve are more like children. Their strike is going into its second week

KY teachers are on strike due to the fact that Gov Bevin decided to go ahead and pass a law that cut teacher pensions in order to give the richest KYans a tax cut.

The Columbia University grad students union also seems headed for a strike, I am not sure if it is the Columbia U in NY or another state

Loyola University also joins the list of possible strikes

The strikes are to show the power of the people to make the system unworkable and to force an alignment of values where it is easier to work with you as opposed to against you. I truly wonder how many people have covered the strikes on CNN MSNBC or so called liberal networks positively.

Prop 1 Anchorage

Anchorage Alaska has become the first municipality, the largest city in Alaska to uphold transgender nondiscrimination protections. The vote came to 53% voting to reject this initiative, a former state Senator came out against it as well as companies like BP and Wells Fargo and even the Anchorage Chamber of Commerce. Another notable thing about this initiative is the fact that it was the first one held by mail

We all know that this initiative wasn’t about privacy as those claims are always put forth, just like we know segregation wasn’t about fountains or lunch counters. It was about supremacy, it was about picking a fight with a small community and infringing on their rights in the civic sphere. It was about kicking a vulnerable community who had protections and yanking them away. The 9th Circuit already said in Perry v Brown (vacated) that you can’t just take away someone’s rights because they’re new

I am glad that Anchorage rejected this divisive initiative. Montana has I-183 and Massachusetts both have anti-transgender ballot initiatives that have been certified. I-183 however, has been attacked as being too vague and the ACLU has been litigating against it in hopes of kicking it from the ballot.

The MA initiative will undo trans protections in public accommodations, nowhere else

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