Homosexuality and....Abortion????

The conflation or supposed correspondence of homosexuality and abortion is ridiculous to say the least. Gay people aren’t the ones having abortions or the reason for them; it’s like blaming gay people for a divorce of a straight couple without mentioning the fact that fiscal matters, adultery, and irreconcilable differences are the issues behind divorce. In fact I have a video, I’ll annotate it here and show you a video I did where NOM actually takes steps to “protect marriage” But this whole conflation of homosexuality and abortion, pedophilia, breakdown of family doesn’t address anything like the income inequality that brings forth crime, the fact that people are out there starving and don’t see the value in education. It is easy to blame gays or other people which is the simple thing instead of looking at the tough things they’ll have to address before the situation can make progress

But again to homosexuality and abortion, after the apparent suicide of Jamie Rodemeyer, I was at a rally where a woman came and said: You can’t get gay rights when you’re out there aborting babies. I was pissed I yelled to her in a voice that shakes me to the core even today: This isn’t about YOU this is about A CHILD WHO DIED! She ran away after that. Here we are a dead child, a dead gay child she could care less about who she would say embraced a deadly lifestyle but doesn’t take into account that societal stigma, endless bullying cost Rodemeyer his life. The fact that she was acting as if we are the ones having abortions was astounding. We are not responsible for the children who have to go to foster care; their parents failed them there that is why gay couples are NEEDED to take in children who otherwise would go unadopted by straight couples. No gay couple has an unplanned adoption, or gets drunk and wakes up with all this paperwork saying petition to adopt.

So this conflation is simply what you believe it is: A red herring, which is a smelly fish that environmentalists would drag across a fox’s trail to divert the hounds from it. It is a herring away from the fact that straight people need the correction, the posturing, and the advice to stop what they’re doing and not abort these children. But after that, are they helping her to care for the child and fighting for education, healthcare, public transportation so she can get to appointments and all? These are hard to address so they’ll push that on us a people who’ve had nothing to do with the issue of abortion in order to make us guilty of a something we are innocent of. Many people when I rail on Batplum Crazy Republicans will say: We’re not all like that, well tell that to Tony Perkins and those who swear that homosexuality will cause the decline of this country. I mean, I don’t think they’ll mention anything like income inequality, unfair tax code, lack of healthcare (including contraception and condoms), diminishing middle class, climate change, food insecurity, NO! All this is not going to doom our nation, it’s homosexuality and abortion…..If you think that then you are a dumbass.  


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