When Fitness Motivation Falls A Little Flat

Hello it’s Terrmeister Terrific Tuesday

Today I’d like to talk about when you get mixed signals when trying to encourage someone.

Yesterday I posted a motivational picture and as always I tag 3 random people to avoid preaching to the choir. I like to help people be motivated, sometimes all someone needs is a little motivation to get up off the couch and do 15 jumping jacks during a commercial break then 10 pushups during the next.  So, after I posted the picture to my facebook I got a reply back from one of the tagged friends that said “If I had a separate bubble to work on fitness, I would” I don’t live in a fitness bubble and I wouldn’t want to if it would come at the expense of everything else, including my social life—that’s important to me as well as my fitness. Yet, this takes me back to a time when I asked a question about dating a couch potato and a lot of people revealed that they had negative views on fitness because to them it was about being perfect…not making progress

I had a little time to think about what my friend was actually saying: I don’t have time. I replied: No one HAS time to work out, they MAKE time as with anything important to them. So I shared T25 and 10 Minute Trainer along with Chalene Extreme with him, what he does with those tools are up to him

But there are a few things when I hear or read them that I have to decipher

A lot of times when people say things about why they can’t or don’t work out, I often find that everything they say is often revealing an insecurity they feel about themselves.

You’re judging me = I’m judging myself
You think working out makes you better than me = I wish I could do what you’re doing
You are fat shaming = I don’t like my weight
People should accept me for who I am with my weight = I don’t accept myself with my weight
I’m a very busy person = Everything is important, except fitness
I wish I could do that = I don’t believe in myself enough
Working out hurts too much = I don’t want it bad enough

It would be frustrating to me if I didn’t know where they were coming from. I used to be there and honestly, sometimes I get to that spot where I see people who are doing better than I am and think: I can’t do that. Not true! I can do that and more! I won’t give up! Who am I? I am a champion! Champions train when everyone else is at home resting…of course you need rest but you need to train insane or remain the same

Thorrific Thursday vid will be Pros and Cons of a Workout Buddy


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