DNC Datamine

So the DNC headed by Debbie Wasserman Schultz who worked on Hillary’s 2007 campaign did something that pushes me to cement my Bernie or bust commitment. Let me explain

The DNC holds data for all campaigns and took down—well the vendor did—a firewall that separates the different campaigns from accessing each other’s data. So a staffer (4, I’ve heard) had accessed the data, 3 were fired. Also let me mention that the DNC has been told of this issue. Why didn’t the vendor do anything about it? That’s quite interesting. What’s even more suspicious in this matter is who the vendor is. Aaron Wasserman, Debbie’s nephew. Now moving on, the DNC after the staffer was fired had suspended access to his voter files. They are not the DNC’s they are HIS. This persisted for 2 days and it really hit--went viral the night before the 3rd debate—I could be wrong about the timeline.

Saturday morning the DNC had restored access. Bernie has defended Hillary from unfair attacks—as have I—like the bathroom remark Trump made after saying “I won’t stand for 3 hours” then they engaged in collective bargaining to “enhance their debate position”. Let me point out that Trump refuses to recognize a union in one of his hotels. We need to talk about policy, not personality.

Every single issue I have with Hillary is policy connected, not borne of sexism, misogyny or other foolishness. Clinton hasn’t come to call for an independent investigation of the DNC or the software vendor for not appropriately dealing with the breach. Also this isn’t the first time this firewall has come down, and a few ITs have asked “Why didn’t they do a safety patch while the firewalls came down?” I wondered that too because even when you’re updating you need to remember the safety of your network. The fact that Debbie Wasserman Schultz (DWS) didn’t keep this quiet and in house—but leaking it she actually helped Bernie by ending his blackout. The bigger point I want explained by the DNC is why it hasn’t taken action against the vendor for this breach. Why haven’t they chosen a responsible vendor who will take security seriously. Bernie has sued the DNC and also notice that the NH & IA primary and caucuses are weeks away. The timing and publicity of Datamine is curious

Why do I call it Datamine? Leaving a door open, learning about that door being open, and not locking it makes you complicit in a robbery if that—or WHEN it occurs. No information from the Clinton campaign has been downloaded

When DWS was interviewed about Datamine, she blinked constantly and sputtered—which indicates possible deception
They left a mine buried in their data, exposed it, then making the issue public to hurt Bernie’s campaign even after he acted ethically by discharging those staffers that accessed the information

This action in Datamine has pushed me to irrevocably refuse to support Hillary Rodham Clinton-the bigger reason is that this is a naked power play to damage a fellow Democrat’s campaign and Hillary hasn’t joined the call for an independent probe to truly determine from someone who has no stake at all, WHICH IS HOW THE DNC SHOULD BE!

I refuse to support her at all. She is another corporate Democrat that has a conflict of interest so great, she’d use 9/11 to defend Wall Street donation.
For me, I actually wonder if Hillary believes what she is saying when she says it. The only line in the 1st debate she scored on was when she said her Paid Family Leave line. Bernie is forthright, animated, I don’t doubt for a minute he says what he believe and his policies and ambitions are as great as his love for our country. He’s been standing with unions and workers. He goes on shows and has a blast.  Hillary must negotiate EVERYTHING and as co-host of Morning Joe said—I find myself agreeing with them occasionally “You have to roll out the red carpet for her” There couldn’t be more of a fork in the road when it comes to the Democratic Primary.


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