Hillary Clinton: What Happened?

There she goes again!
Secretary Clinton goes on the attack when it comes to the question of: 

What happened? Some answers.... 

Marginalizing Bernie supporters as white males #BernieMadeMeWhite

Dismissing third party voters

Not campaigning in FL MI NC WI and PA where she lost. Had she turned at least FL and two of the other states she would have won

The fact that she didn’t really excite people

Constantly saying “Isn’t it time we had a woman in the White House?”

Acting as if she was entitled to our votes and the Election was a formality (I call that the Coronation)

Refusing to speak out on the bias against Bernie Sanders

Adopting Bernie’s positions when it was convenient for her
Example: When she showed up to Albany for the signing ceremony of a $15/hr minimum wage bill when she only supported a $12/hr minimum wage #notHerVictory

Evolving only when the political climate was right for it (Marriage Equality in 2013 and describing DOMA as a defensive action)

Saying Nancy Reagan was a low key advocate for handling the AIDS epidemic (she stayed silent with her husband)

Leaving Iowa to go to a Wall Street fundraiser

Wanting Universal Healthcare in 2008 but saying it would never happen in 2016. Her question was “Why are Democrats arguing against Universal Healthcare?”

Writing off Trump supporters as deplorable (many are though)

Bashing 3rd party voters as opposed to giving them a reason to vote for her

Voting for Iraq and a bankruptcy bill (one she opposed as first lady) when she first got to the Senate

Rigging the DNC primary and media collusion


Inability to fashion a real message of why she was fit for the job

No capability for self reflection 

Now of course there is an inability for her to blame herself so she has to blame Bernie for not uniting the party behind her. However, that was her job to do. She had to come and woo progressives to her and have her surrogates make the case. Again, the inevitability factor lulled her into a false sense of security. So when November 8th happened, the question on everyone’s mind was “What happened? How could this happen? Why did this happen?”

Simply put I just want her to just live the rest of her life and stop. In fact, there is a clip I often think of when I see her blaming everyone else but herself for her loss and it says sit down and shut up. I mean, I know people were and are sexist but sexism isn’t the only reason she lost. Take these lessons and retire from the public life, enjoy these Golden Years in relative comfort and just be a Grandmother. In fact, I wish you well in that endeavor  


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