The Trainwreck that is Holding Trevor (2007)

This movie is so bad I had to write a review twice, once to cover the events and the other for brevity. Yes, I know it takes a lot of work to create a film even a bad one but think about it: Someone put money into this thing so your idea might not be as ridiculous as you think. Let's get to this review so I don't spend any more time than I have to

Holding Trevor.jpgEphram left Trevor right, other cast members on bottom 
Desperately Seeking Sex and Identity, With Snark - The New York TimesLeft to Right: Jake, Trevor in back, Andie driving 

Darrell rightmost

Trevor is stuck at a dead end job in a cubicle that looks like they only had a day to film everything, his home life is dominated by the guy that took his virginity and he's a drug addict. That guy's name is Darrell. Darrell overdoses and we meet Dr Ephram, he invites Trevor to see Darrell and Trevor says naw I'm cool. with a mean case of RBF because he's been through the song and dance before. Car wash scream and some voiceover later we're introduced to Jake without any segue whatsoever. The only clue to us that he knows Trevor is clunky dialogue "Darrell is using and you need to open your eyes Bambi" Trevor hears none of and defends Darrell. Party time: Darrell and Trevor attend this weird party minus Darrell, giving Trevor opportunity to meet Dr Ephram again and they play a game that peeks into Trevor's psyche, Ephram makes his interest in Trevor known

Andie had a one night stand and Jake has a guitar in the kitchen, Jake: I might be pregnant with the HIV so I wanna go get tested and I want you to go with me for moral support, let's bring Andie. Who tests positive and can't believe it because she's less promiscuous than Jake. Jake throws a party to celebrate his HIV less life and Darrell comes in ruining the party getting kicked out promptly but causing strain between Ephram and Trevor because Darrell keeps acting as if Trevor is responsible for him. He breaks it off finally, Darrell dies later in the film

Andie is sick of the Trevor Holden show and they argue that he's a whiny self absorbed Bit, then make up and go to the car wash together and scream when she reveals her HIV diagnosis to him. Trevor has been doing all kinds of bland and sad voice-over that's supposed to sound all kinds of important but itns't. At the end of all this Ephram wants Trevor to go to NYC with him and Trevor has been all in his own mess that he struggles to make a decision. Dude, you work a dead end job and can make a new start in a different city. Stupidly, Trevor stays with the two friends saying "Moving forward doesn't mean leaving" and Trevor Holden joins a long list of cinematic idiots

There it is, Holding Trevor thank Heavens Da End!


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