The Dominica Arrests: I See And Say Nothing

Okay, so the story goes like this: We were 'partially clothed' and they picked us out of a lineup and said: we were having sex on the balcony. Then this incriminating photo surfaces and the egg on their faces must be dropping on in torrents. Now, I would not be caught alive in a place where it is illegal for me to be gay with my Lovey having sex there when in most places not only is it illegal but we can be killed for it. I always say that common sense is not so common but this really takes the cake. Here the gay press was defending this couple and now the real story comes out.

I've seen a share of stories in which the press--and even I myself have had a kneejerk reaction: Like the Dakota Ary ordeal out of Texas.

The Right Wingers had a field day kicking around the football of him saying that homosexuality was wrong but a lot of LGBT positive press defended the kid saying that he had a right to say it even though it had nothing to do with what he was doing in class and should've been removed from class, not suspended. Towleroad writer Penn Bullock said the following:  "Nonetheless, I think Ary acted within his First Amendment rights by making a private remark to a nearby classmate in response to an open question about religion and homosexuality. And the teacher could have handled it the right way by addressing the remark calmly, and using it to start up a civil discussion. Merely suppressing an opinion does no one any good - it certainly doesn't change minds." 

This was when it was discussed by Mr. Ary as a private remark to another student instead of a harassing remark aimed at the teacher. Then it comes out that the teacher had been dealing with this kid for months about that sentiment because the kid believed he was gay. I believe the teacher has revealed he was gay, so this brings into question another issue: What about teachers who are bullied by students and other teachers?  Dakota Ary was nothing but a homophobic bully who got what he deserved . Next, the teacher Mr. Kristopher Franks is vindicated of wrongdoing in that incident.

Which brings me back to this couple. This was just stupidity at its finest. I know that there is a double standard at times of gay couples and straight couples doing the do in public at times, but I say this: PDA is fine, just don't go overboard by full on making out like you're going to get into it any minute in public--gay or straight. Now I think PDA is cute becuase I just see two people who care for one another, but when I see 2 people having sex in public I will be one of the people on the phone calling 911 because they shouldn't be doing that in public.

My first thoughts were: Wow. I hate these kinds of stories, were they picked out of nowhere because they knew it was a gay cruise? Was it simple homophobia that got out of hand? If so, why those two of all those many passengers on the boat? If it was homophobia, couldn't they have just thrown a molotov cocktail and hoped for as many dead or injured queers as they could get? So, with more other important news and waiting for the real story to develop, depfox made a video here: that I would encourage you all to watch. After hearing the full story, it is my hope that they fade back into obscurity as they were before that fateful day...or they don't, and remain a lesson for people who are traveling overseas in countries that don't welcome gays or gay sexual activity. As I look at more stories while writing this blog, not even the passengers knew what the guys were doing until they saw some women on the dock waving and shouting as they saw the men having sex and then reported a witness: They weren't as courteous to us as we'd have liked. Duh? Then again, I also say that one bad apple, while it shouldn't spoil the bunch, it often DOES.

Queen Elizabeth I's mantra of: I see and say nothing has saved her from many political disasters. I say it worked in this case especially. I also add that time often works out situations for the best which also bears on this case.

Until Next Time,


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