Hilary Rosen v. Ann Romney


I have heard some things about Hilary Rosen and Ann Romney and I have to say: Mitt Romney just DOESN'T register and resonate with ANYONE, Conservatives are now going to be split between two camps: Camp Gingrich, socially and Camp Ron Paul, fiscally. However, in the last week or two I've been hearing about Hilary Rosen commenting on the fact that Ann Romney has never had a job and has only been a stay at home Mom, so she's out of touch with what working women want and are concerned with. If that is true that she was a stay at home Mom then Rosen's comments are not exactly unwarranted. However, it is not a dig at stay at home Moms becuase of the fact that it wasn't the gist of what she was saying. It was about WORKING WOMEN and the economy, ones that don't come from old money and backgrounds for new money to be constantly flowing in. She never said that being a stay at home Mom wasn't a difficult job, any PARENT gay or straight will tell you that being a parent is a tough job. However, I feel the crazy backlash over the Ann Romney comments are unwarranted because if it is true that Ann Romney has never had to worry about Oven Mitt losing a plant and declaring bankruptcy or other similar disasters that befall the ordinary American family, then Hilary Rosen's comments are in fact correct.

Next, I would venture to say that I don't think that she has nothing to apologize about. Romney said that she made a choice to be a stay at home Mom, but Rosen's remarks weren't aimed at her making the choice to do so. Rosen's point was that some women don't have that luxury to choose, they must be working Moms becuase they HAVE to. Income inequality is not something Ann Romney never had to worry about, Massive Layoffs and her husband being one of the unlucky ones is similarly not something Ann had to worry about, Ann never had to worry about their kid's education and other things like that, if she could pay the house note or have to buy medicine. I may be speaking prematurely, but I have to say I'm in Camp Rosen, and I don't think an apology is even necessary

Next, I've even seen a Think Progress report (http://thinkprogress.org/lgbt/2012/04/12/463358/conservatives-attack-hilary-rosen-for-raising-children-as-a-lesbian/) with this comment

Catholic League president Bill Donohue attacked her family on Twitter this morning:

@CatholicLeague: Lesbian Dem Hilary Rosen tells Ann Romney she never worked a day in her life. Unlike Rosen, who had to adopt kids, Ann raised 5 of her own.


@alicetweet: Being a mother is the most valuable work a woman can do, my heart goes out to @hilaryr children if she doesn’t believe that

Now, this is amazing that now they are bringing the children into it and  no one ever disputed motherhood being a tough task, but the economic realities are clear between the Rosens and the Romneys. The fact that they'll defend one choice to be a stay at home mother and the other choice to adopt children because the Rosen's family has lesbian parents is a big case of the pot calling the kettle black. Somehow Rosen's choice to adopt and be a mother is terrible, but Romney's choice to be a stay at home Mom is under attack by Rosen's comments, it was never about being a stay at home Mom, it was about being a Mom that doesn't have the harsh realities of the tough economy showing up in the mail every month.

I'll  leave the article at Think Progress to close it up for me:

Ann Romney is not qualified to speak on behalf of women who have had to earn the living they need to raise their children, and discounting those women’s life choices as “less valuable” is the true controversy.

Until the Pen Strikes Again


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