Thoughts on Fitness

Hello Everyone,

I am going to talk a bit about fitness and some of my journey. As well as Beachbody programs that I am doing, and will hybrid

If you read My Gym Experience you'll see a little bit o the backstory to this, but for the benefit of those who haven't read it or may not want to search back, I'll be brief

1. Friend was diagnosed with being pre diabetic
2. I was heftier than him and thought it was time for a chang
3. I knew I had to get serious about weight loss
4. I knew it wouldn't be easy
5. I knew it would be worth it

So I joined a gym at a local college and I have to say the change of semesters was a treat. I stayed focus and the weight started coming off. Clothes no longer fit and I had to give some away because they were too big. I feel more confident now because I can wear a tank top, I never did before the summer of 2010. My chest was lifting up a bit and I'm like...what? Oh my goodness, I can buy and WEAR them! I also looked good in it too! I had never thought that I could wear one and look good in it. So, November 2011 is coming up, I'm going to the gym everyday and I have heard of Insanity Workout with Shaun T before but thought to myself: I can't do that. Why? Because I felt I couldn't. Until about the end of November 2011 when I thought: I have to intensify my workout and I don't want winterflab making an appearance

It was like clockwork. I would lose weight in the summer because I'm biking everywhere, but gain it in the winter because I'd go to work and then do least until I went to the gym and started working hard everyday. Sometimes I wouldn't go for a little while because of time constraints, and after I was unemployed for a while, I'd go early in the morning so I could have a routine to my day. Get up about 6 and have a bowl of cereal, get ready for the gym and about 7 30 or 8 head out to the gym. Sometimes I'd even get there AT 7, but that was a rare occurrence. I would often be there until about 11 30 or noon and catch lunch downtown. After that, I'd be up to do whatever.


After a while, I decided that I was going to download Insanity since my gym membership was about out. I wanted to do this because I felt that intensity was what I needed. Then I discovered the whole line, Slim in 6, P90X, Turbofire (I've downloaded that too), Chalene Extreme, and more recently Rockin Body and Brazil Butt Lift (I'd begun watching some of the videos so I started so I can get some motivation by watching peoples' stories and before and after pictures). I will post some before and afters here too.

So I went through the first round which includes

Plyometric Cardio Circuit
Cardio Power and Resistance
Pure Cardio
Cardio Recovery
Core Cardio and Balance

These 5 have given me a lot of craziness throughout the first month and I have to say that while still tough, they are a warm up for me compared to Month 2. Now, it was around the holidays when I got into month 2 and it derailed me a little bit, but life derails us at times. My run was Oct 27-Dec 28 and I finished on New Years Day so I can start Round 2 with some friends of mine.

Month 2 includes
Max Interval Circuit
Max Interval Plyo
Max Cardio Conditioning
Max Recovery

I had told my sisters ex that he and I could do Max Interval Circuit together but he chickened out until the next day and quit in the 2nd circuit 2nd interval. I also realized that me pausing it and resting made me regress a bit, so I didn't pause and rest I would rest live and that way I can track my progress. I have to say it doesn't feel like a huge change, but there is a huge change. I can stick with it more and I'm getting stronger though I may not feel it immediately. I feel that Insanity has helped me a bit stick through and I've found that I've also fallen short, but I have tomorrow if it chooses to come for me to stick with it a little more. I've also begun more to focus on my form and know when I can push A LITTLE BIT MORE!


I realized in Month 2 that Insanity is NOT a carrots and celery workout, you gotta fuel your body right because it's so intense. I crashed a lot and realized: I have to add more calories or something if I'm gonna make it. I'm making those strides as well as looking online to see what kinds of carbs I need to leave alone--especially since I love me some sandwiches and breads


I have come a long way from where I was in 2008 when I started working out and wanting to make sure that I progress. I don't bench, I like to use my own body weight and competition is only good when it's in good spirits. I feel that fitness is a state of mind, a way of living and enjoying life and being around longer for those who love and need you. Many people say their body is a temple but don't treat it like one, a temple requires upkeep. For those who don't look at it as a temple because it has a religious conotation, think of it ias a car or a mansion. A mansion that looks good on the outside but filled with dilapidation is noticed when you peek inside

It has affected many areas in my life and as I go on in this, I am sure that there will be excuses not to keep it up, but I have to because I want my kids to be active and healthy, it's about showing my kids and partner that I care about them and myself and want to be healthy for them. I want to show it and not just talk it, the world is full of people who WANT to lose significant amounts of weight but don't want to sweat...that to me is fat crying. I've joined some facebook groups that are geared toward Insanity and P90X and people who are doing these programs so I can get motivated, encouraged and commiserate with them on how hard they are, but how we get through them. I've also encouraged two friends to do Insanity. One is waiting til February to continue, I'll be a bug in his ear until then. Another misses them sometimes, but we all do and he is getting back on the wagon so he can finish. After seeing my results, I know they can do it and will be happy with theirs if they fuel their bodies right.

I have to also say that my Lovey, Darryl has been a part of it too and when he saw me when he came to visit me, he noticed that I lost more weight, it was great to see the look on his face when I came down and greeted him. I also will end up getting some more form fitting clothes when I start working again so I can show off my results. It was also good to hear people who haven't seen me in a while tell me that they could hardly recognize me since I lost so much weight

So if you're thinking you can't do it, you can't until you just push play and if you don't have anyone to work out with you, join a facebook group or something if you don't have anyone nearby to do it with you. Call a friend that will hold you to it or have them watch and motivate you if they don't wanna do the work--most coaches don't do the work but Beachbody coaches have been through it and that's what I like about them.

No time? If you want to get fit you'll make time
No money? Well I downloaded mine--I'll get the legit ones when I start working so I have them
Excuses? Keep making them and those results will elude you

Put in the work, work at your level and when you need to intensify it, do so and the weight will come off and your mind will soar. Push just a little further than your limits and you'll see amazing things. You don't know what you can do until you do it.

Until next time!


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