The GOP needs to take responsibility for their loss

If I don’t pay a bill, I lose the service, if I don’t do my job no amount of redistricting saves my job, I get fired. My Mom told me be careful what you wish for because you just might get it and sometimes I got it and never in the way I wanted. This is the same thing that the GOP is facing. They got what they wanted…or not…they wanted Obama out and obstructed American progress to do it and America came out in droves to defeat their plans and without gerrymandered districts from the Red Sweep of 2010 Democrats would’ve taken the House like we did in ‘06.

I find it amazing that the GOP tells us: the poor, those of us who work hard to take responsibility for our lives but refuse to learn from this loss in 2012. Also, I don’t see them telling businesses that they are responsible for the huge deficit by paying no money in taxes but getting millions of dollars back from the big government they swear is the problem until it is the solution. IF the GOP wants to be competitive they can’t just say things that make them so, they need to do them. During the election, they talked about bipartisanship but it was sorely lacking in Congress why? Let’s go back to the messaging of 2010 when it was all about stopping Obama’s “evil anti colonial anti business entitlement giving” agenda. However, who’s really entitled? Those who are taking tax breaks they don’t need.

The GOP also refuses to acknowledge that its own policies they’ve pushed under Bush are responsible for growing the national debt and deficit. I didn’t hear too many Republicans saying during Bush 2’s Presidency that he was spending too much money. Most of the deficit that was raked up during the Bush years is now being passed onto Obama and now we see the Tea Party and deficit hawks arise when they should’ve been public about opposition to the lavish spending of Bush all along. You need to take responsibility for the policies that you pushed, getting us into this and stop those tax breaks to the rich when they’re doing better now than they were 4 years ago. The Middle Class has been crushed under your policies and you are responsible, you need to not just tune your message but your actions must line up with it.

You say you love labor but will allow union busting, you say you love the American Home, but will let predatory banks kick out families. You say you care for the poor but cut jobs and when they apply for food stamps as a last resort, want to cut them because you say they’re lazy. You say you care for families but put more taxes on people with children. You say you care about life, but don’t pass bills that enhance the quality of life like healthcare, transportation bills for roads public transportation and stop bills that help curb prison rape and increase protections for abused women (VAWA). You love the country but hate its people. Therefore, I don’t conclude that you truly love America, you love yourself. I believe that when people talk about ‘big government’ it is like a kid who won’t eat their vegetables, sit around all day and then complain when they’re fat and sick. This is what the GOP is doing and while Democrats have their baggage and corruption, it seems that corruption and hypocrisy lives at the home of the GOP.


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