Obama/Romney Rap

Inspired by Epic Rap Battles of History I decided to do a rap battle between Obama and Romney. I am all Obama but I believe I gave Romney some good zingers too.

I’m not a man swayed by facts
When I got stacks of cash and super PACs
I’m so rich I make my own reality
Like Twilight Zone and Outer Limits don’t adjust your TV
Never saw a house I couldn’t buy so I set my eyes on the White House
Gonna move in and make it Mr. Romney’s House
I’ll fix the economy and the deficit
Get it below 8%, when it comes to unemployment you definitely built it
Creatin jobs lower spending, close those loopholes
By the end of my first year they’ll have forgotten all about you
What Governor Romney just said isn’t true that’s how I introduce you
Everybody and their Mother knows that much about you
Say you believe in America but those buttons are made in China
I’m used to people changing their minds in 4 years
But even little kids don’t change their minds every 4 minutes
Your deficit plans raises questions, even Fox “News” has them
They’re all asking you but you’ve got stale answers
America ain’t buyin’ it you shouldn’t be sellin’
It’ll all sink in you’re rejected when you wake up November 7
Is that all you got? It was all Barack and no bite
I know how to make this country right
I got a plan to get this economy goin
I know why jobs come and go, they’re goin’ because of you
There you go again
I just have a question
IF you’re so great why is Michigan and Mass going hard blue
They know you the best and they’re voting against you
Take a page, run the other way ain’t nobody got time fo dat
Ain’t nobody got time for all your speeches
Giving free handouts to leeches
Turnin this country into a socialist communist paradise
America will rise up on Election Day and say bye bye
America was built on self reliance
Not this crazy government compliance
You got a lot of nerve talking about communism and socialism when your party’s fascist, learn the difference
You gotta be on your A game before you step to the POTUS
You think you got a chance against me I just do the Reagan laugh
 Just sit down, it’s in good hands 4 more years for 44


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