Background Checks on All Guns NOW!!!!

God, Gays and Guns, that’s the conservative slogan that I as a liberal often use to describe the 3 talking points of Teaturds who feel that everything from health policy to the justice system should be dictacted to the Bible. But when we talk about the trifecta, we have uncovered a lot that is off kilter, which is a respectful way of saying “they’re nuts” Remember after the Newtown shooting how many gun groups came on TV telling us of responsible gun owners and how we shouldn’t penalize them because criminals will get a hold of guns no matter what? That they opposed background checks on any gun owner for that very reason. Well, I return to TX once again after doing a video about Wendy Davis to talk about why we need background checks—which aren’t recorded by the way.

We need background checks for according to NC, food stamps, childcare work, employment, so why not guns?  People who’ve faced domestic violence charges and been violent criminals in some states may not be completely barred from owning guns.  NRA and their friends say that those who own guns decrease gun crime but remember that soccer mom who received national attention for carrying a gun at her child’s game? She was killed by her HUSBAND. . Scott Hain, a parole officer, owned the 9 mm handgun used to kill his wife. He then killed himself with a shotgun, authorities said after Friday's autopsies. Police found several handguns, a shotgun, two rifles and several hundred rounds of ammunition in their Lebanon home, as well as six spent shell casings in the kitchen. She said of carrying her gun to her child’s soccer game: ” It’s my preference. The fact that people are naïve enough to believe that it won’t happen to them because they’re at a soccer game; I find that to be scary.” Needless to say, she was killed in her home. This is a horrible blow to the “guns prevent you being a victim of a rape” idea that the NRA and ilk say. Also most rape victims tend to know their attackers. Remember that weapon’s expert Keith Ratliff? He was killed in his shop, surrounded by guns… He also by evidence, seemed to know his attacker also. Some say: What about the time when a good guy with a gun stopped a guy who was about to shoot up a place? Of course we don’t hear about that but given the fact that it rarely happens, and we have more people killed by family and toddlers, forgive me if I don’t offer trigger happy people who are lucky a Purple Heart for valor.

Let’s get to TX



Reprehensibly ignored by the mainstream media, this story coming out of Houston, Texas last Friday exemplifies the shortsightedness of conservative gun rights advocates who stand against any and all forms of gun safety regulations, particularly the banning of dangerous assault rifles.


Sgt. Lance McLean of the Hood County Sheriff’s Office has succumbed to his injuries and been pronounced dead after being shot in the head by a gun dealing, child molesting, tactical gear-wearing, heavily modified assault rifle-wielding man after responding to a seemingly ordinary disturbance call.

After injuring the two officers, the suspect drove away in a white van, and was eventually killed near the Cranbury City Hall after wounding another police officer in a gunbattle.


Police have learned that the gunman, Ricky McCommas, was an avid gun enthusiast who sold guns from inside of his home. After obtaining a search warrant, authorities seized more than two dozen guns and about 20 cases of ammunition, along with a computer and other evidence.


Adding insult to injury, court records have revealed that McCommas had recently been charged with sexual assault of a child in July 2012, after being accused of raping his wife’s niece behind a grocery store. Gun in hand, he had traveled to the location of the victim in order to convince her to drop the charges, leading to the original 911 disturbance call.


Court records also show that McCommas missed a court appearance Friday morning, and the warrant for his arrest was issued and his bond was raised from $100,000 to $200,000.


This kind of story is precisely why America is growing increasingly tired of being told that all gun enthusiasts are very responsible and that it’s perfectly fine to allow almost all members of the general population to amass and sell hundreds and even thousands of dangerous assault weapons.


The truth is, there is no good reason why America should continue to allow these dangerous kinds of assault weapons to be owned by millions upon millions of citizens. Yes, the large majority of gun owners are very responsible, but what about that miniscule portion that is unhinged and unfit to own such dangerous weapons? With millions of gun owners, there are bound to the tens of thousands of “bad apples” that have no business being near nor selling any of these military grade weapons.


Another story out of TX

Armed demonstrators gathered outside the Texas capitol building in Austin on Wednesday, seeking to highlight the state's right to openly carry rifles. While some were unsettled by the display, the protesters said the event was designed to get people accustomed to the weapons and show that those carrying them were normal citizens.

"That's why we're here. Trying to make people feel more at ease, so they don't feel that way," said Scott Smith, a member of the group Open Carry Texas, which organized the event.

Spectators weren't the only ones made uneasy by the firearms. Members of the group came with their guns loaded, according to KEYE-TV, which at one point prompted troopers stationed at the capitol to ask the protesters to consider removing the magazines from their rifles. They declined, noting that they were within their rights to have live rounds in their weapons.
Later in the day, demonstrators attempted to enter the state capitol building with their guns out. They were turned away by a trooper, who told them that while concealed handguns were permitted inside, their semi-automatic assault rifles weren't.

So of course people will call me a liberal gun grabber after citing these incidents, but of course not everyone is entitled to have a gun. I asked a question of: If everyone is entitled to a gun, why are they not entitled to healthcare and a good education. I got the conservashit answer of: Everyone has to pay for education and healthcare I come out of my own pocket for a gun…but of course, a gun isn’t a healthy investment in the economy…unless you talk to the gun owners who have their hands up the NRA’s ass that they oppose EVERYTHING in order to increase sales and love that Obama got a second term so that they can sell more guns until about 2016. These cases show why we need background checks and why we need them now. We have had more people killed by accidental gun discharges than those killed in all wars after WW2 combined. The patchwork of state law, I feel states rights is a smokescreen to victimize unpopular minorities and give the state lease to do whatever it wants now especially with conservative sin office, makes a huge gaping hole in this problem. Everytime I hear about a shooting in the South I’m not surprised at all especially in TX, but when I hear about a kid killing his 4 year old sister or a man cleaning a gun and killing his 15 year old son, or a girl who just got killed on the day of her 13th birthday named Emilee Bates. What about when Brandon Holt a 4 year old shot and killed his 6 year old playmate? 10-Year-Old Christopher Stanlane Jr ? Also an accident Priscilla Sayre, a 13 month old shot in the chest? Also, a young woman who’d been handling guns since her primary school days Stephanie Van Der Berg, another accidental discharge?

This may be down to proper training, true. But the myth of the responsible gun owner is exactly that—a myth. There is no such thing as a responsible gun owner and I may catch flack for this, but if we had them, why are we hearing about all these accidents? Why are these guns even loaded when they’re supposed to be dormant? Why isn’t the safety on?  

Some people will ask why am I POLITICIZING this? There is no other way to look at it. Our children are dying because we’re obsessed with a gun, an inanimate object that is being used unsafely…while being CLEANED and killing people. If this were someone else who’d shot the kid while cleaning their guns, we’d have riots and Congress would certainly take action, but  when we have a culture in which owning a gun is more precious to them than having a literate public, educated public. But of course, we educate the public they will look through the bullshit and we won’t need people like the NRA and Gun Owners of America right? We need background checks and I don’t care how we do it as long as it is done in a way that protects democracy and will protect another family from having another Newtown every day.

gun control, Gun Rights, 2nd Amendment, Texas, conservatives, Pro-Gun, Assault Weapons, Accidental shootings, gun enthusiasts, victims of gun violence, family deaths,


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