Why The Newsom/Christian Murder IS NOT Like The Trayvonn Martin Murder

I keep hearing about two murders that the right wing are using to say: The media is biased against black perpetrators and white victims because the media didn’t bring a lot of light to the murder of Christopher Lane (2013) and Christopher Newsom and Channon Christian both murdered in 2007.


Results: Of the four charged at the state level, three (Letalvis D. Cobbins, Lemaricus Davidson, and George Thomas) had multiple prior felony convictions. After a jury trial, Lemaricus Davidson was sentenced to death by lethal injection and Letalvis Cobbins and George Thomas were sentenced to life in prison, Cobbins without the possibility of parole and Thomas with the possibility. Vanessa Coleman has been convicted of facilitating the crimes and sentenced to 53 years in prison, and Eric Dewayne Boyd has been convicted of federal charges as accessory after the fact to carjacking and sentenced to 18 years in prison.[4] The state convictions were set aside because of misconduct by the presiding judge, who has since been disbarred; retrials (pending appeals in all except the Coleman case, whose retrial is not being contested) had been tentatively slated for the summer and fall of 2012, but in May 2012 the Tennessee Supreme Court vacated the motion for new trials. All of the state convictions (except for the Coleman case) were permitted to stand and the defendants remain incarcerated pending appeals. To date, only Coleman has been retried, with a reduction in term from her original sentence to 35 years


The animals pictured below car-jacked then raped Christopher Newsom, cut off his penis, set him on fire and fatally shot him several times while they forced his girlfriend, Channon Christian to watch. An even more cruel fate awaited her!

Channon Christian was beaten and gang raped in many ways by all of them, while they took turns urinating on her. Then they cut off her breast and put chemicals in her mouth and murdered her.

Where be the Revs Al and Jesse? Are they providing counsel and help to the families of the victims?
Of course not- the victims are white
Why hasn’t this received National Coverage by the news media like the Duke “rape” case
Why hasn’t the NAACP, ACLU, NYT called for an investigation?
Why hasn’t the FBI been called in to investigate this as a hate crime?
Oh, that’s right the victims are white

A further detailed description of the crime before I do the breakdown: Christopher Newsom was raped over and over again (semen was found in his anus) and sodomized with an unknown object. He was blindfolded, gagged, and bound at the hands and feet. After several nightmarish hours, Newsom was either walked barefoot or dragged out to the railroad tracks where he was shot in the back of the head execution-style. The assailants shot him two more times (in the back and in the neck). Then Newsom's corpse was doused with gasoline and lit on fire.

For Channon Christian, the torture was even worse. She suffered days of sexual abuse in the Chipman home. She was beaten mercilessly and raped numerous times, suffering excruciating injuries to her mouth, vagina, and anus. Forensic pathologists found that not only was Christian raped by her captors, but she had been penetrated with an object as well (possibly a chair leg, according to the Knox County Medical Examiner). In addition, examiners found that a chemical (likely bleach) had been poured down her throat and in her wounded genital areas — while she was still alive. The coroner reported that Christian was then tied up with torn strips of bedding, her head covered in a white garbage bag — and then the whole body stuffed in five larger trash bags before being thrown into a garbage can. Perhaps the most horrifying finding was that Christian was still alive at the time; her death came after the slow process of suffocation in that trash container

Ok now for what I like to do: Break it down, let’s bring up the Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson remarks: First of all, this murder happened in 2007 and didn’t garner the nationwide attention that Trayvon Martin case did because of the fact that there was little sensationalized about the case. Also, if the coverage was mostly local, how could Al Sharpton or Jesse Jackson have found out about it unless someone had told them? This is simply a naked attempt to call out someone for something that they had no way of knowing. This is not speaking the truth to power; it is simply grandstanding trying to make a big point on nothing but empty air. Are they offering counsel to the families? OF course not, because they’re white. No one cares about the race of the victims, this is a heinous crime and this is a way to try to slant Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson as race baiters aka calling out racism when it REALLY happens. Again, they had no way of knowing about this murder

Why hasn’t this received National Coverage  by the news media like the Duke “rape” case?

First of all, there was allegations of prosecutorial misconduct, included a college athletic team, a famous university, and a stripper/escort/dancer. Just those things alone make for a headline grabbing case. There was so much in the Wikipedia article that I had to slow down while doing the once over on this case to give important things that would make this something that would hold headlines for years to come. Also, as I don’t watch TV much I didn’t know about this case. Crystal Magnum was revealed to be a liar in the case but wasn’t tried for her false accusations by a WHITE ATTORNEY GENERAL. I am sure he just wanted to resolve it and go home. Also, the prosecutor was disbarred
"dishonesty, fraud, deceit and misrepresentation" yeah, you see how this murder case pales in comparison to the Duke Lacrosse Case


Why hasn’t the NAACP, ACLU, NYT called for an investigation?
Why hasn’t the FBI been called in to investigate this as a hate crime?
Oh, that’s right the victims are white

Well, if you didn’t hear about this case, you may wonder that too. The problem was this question is a blatant attempt to put the attention on black civil rights AND civil rights groups that are seen most times as liberal organization and thus calling for a partisan attack when we are dealing with the details of a heinous crime that no matter what the offenders’ race was would be downright deplorable. But the so called right wing logic goes: If the victims were black the NAACP and ACLU and FBI would be investigating. The FBI have to see if there are any federal infringements in order to investigate and in the Martin case, the Sanford PD didn’t give a damn about the case so they stepped up. The ACLU is a civil rights organization that advocates for civil liberties and this murder case doesn’t smack of any civil rights violations, unless being murdered while white is a civil rights violation. To top it all off they are white so that explains why somehow the NAACP doesn’t care about this, if they were black they would be all over this right? Wrong. I doubt that with this case when it was so vigorously prosecuted because of the heinousness of the crime, Channon Christian suffocating in 5 garbage bags after watching her boyfriend being sodomized, beaten brutally, lead away and shot, then being raped, breast cut off, gang raped repeatedly and a chair leg shoved up her rectum, the NAACP looks at this whole thing and says: But you’re white

Now that I’ve seen this spreading around the post online, I thought this took place this year, but this took place nearly 6 years ago, this was locally covered, and was prosecuted vigorously. Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson had no way of knowing about this crime and to call them race baiters while attempting to race bait by saying the race of the victims is all that matters to them is not only insulting, it is deplorable. This is coming from a group of people who told a kid that if he stood his ground against a guy that was following him and was told not to, swung off against his attacker somehow deserved to die because he smoked weed and got in trouble in school, is the biggest hypocrisy I’ve ever seen. IN THIS CASE, you have shown that you are the one whipping up fear and the racial fire that exists without the post in order to paint black people as savages. Most people I know would categorically say that these people were the worst kind of person to kill these 2 in such a brutish way. But to say that somehow that murder was in any way the kind that the Duke Lacrosse Case or the Jean Benet Ramsey case was is dishonest. But of course, racist right wing conservatives don’t care about facts. As Ronald Reagan the Tea Party OG said; Facts are stupid things



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