Minimum Wage, Syria, Booker's Gay Rumor and a Recall???!!!!

Imagine going into work, and you’re making $15/hour, you get full medical benefits and you have a union that fights for you. We don’t have to imagine it we can make it. I’ve advocated for lifting the floor called the minimum wage which simply says: I’d pay you less but it’s illegal. It’s also something that we need to advocate for farm workers too because the labor and farm movement are tied together with a fine thread that must not be severed. I recently thought about the arguments regarding the minimum wage hike and what people have said and you’ll hear a lot of people saying that it’ll hurt business but they can afford to pay $15/hr. and more, they pay way more than that to CEOs who get taxpayer subsidies for part of it. Not only that but we already pay for Wal-Mart Workers Medicaid, Food Stamps and other social programs. Wal-Mart is a multibillion dollar a year operation it is foolishness to believe that they can’t afford it or is under attack for being demanded of to pay their employees more. After all, workers are the backbone of the economy and unfortunately those are the bulk of workers out here. Low wage workers most often don’t have ANY benefits and may work while sick because there is no sick time or personal days. There is no Paid Time Off and employers treat it as a luxury. I feel it should be mandated as well as vacation time. France has 5 weeks mandated and we are if not the only one of the few countries that don’t have mandated vacation time for all workers. We work too hard and don’t rest enough that is ballooning the health crisis here as well as many other factors.

Lifting the Minimum wage to a living wage is a part of the American Dream. I don’t feel that in this country we should have a “working poor “that is food insecure because the bills are too damn high! Can’t pay for this or that because you have to feed your kids.... Can’t go to college right now because you have to work and have kids to feed. Yes, many people have done it but you can’t say I’ll feed you in 2 years to your kids. It is common knowledge to all but the Koch Brothers and their ilk that the more money people have the more money they spend. The more money they’ll pump into the economy. It is the CONSUMER, the WORKER that buys everything they need every month that create jobs. Millionaires and Billionaires don’t buy enough often enough to stimulate the economy. It was voodoo economics when Reagan did it and it’s still that way now. Lift the floor, lower the ceiling, do what you have to do to make a living wage necessary. Americans are working harder than ever for peanuts and we know that there are people who will be moochers no matter what, that’s Wal-Mart, Boeing and Big Oil. American workers are ENTITLED, payments to be honored over time to a living wage, benefits and their shot at the American Dream. They put too much into this dream to come up short every month. They put too much in for out of touch politicians to say that they think it’ll hurt businesses. Without us, the wheel doesn’t turn or get the grease. Who’s going to check you out at the register? Who’s going to refund your money and give you gift certificates for your next purchase? Who’s going to take your order at McDonald’s? Who’s going to corral the carts so they don’t ding your car? If that person won’t be you…then you need to think about who it is. We are too great of a nation to let our workers wallow in low wage revolving door

Congress is less popular than lice, roaches, fungus and probably anything else out there thanks to the Republican House of Reps, which is teetering on its last legs Now, here comes a fun part. Congress has to authorize action on Syria and Jeff Flake of AZ has criticized Obama for saying that they need to do something that they are constitutionally tasked to do. Congress can declare war, but I wonder what exactly is the scope of action the President is thinking of. Also, I wonder what legislation they’ll pass under our noses while we look at Syria. But thinking of Congress now and the job they are SUPPOSED to do you know running the country and all that  It’s funny how you were blasting him for NOT doing his job (by not calling forth jobs bills and opposing once bipartisan ideas) but you are collecting $176/hr. for a 9 day work month at about $18K (maybe I should run) and now you are showing the country how lazy you are by blasting the President for telling you that you need to work like the rest of Americans?

I feel that this is a play to Congress to either put up or shut up. Republicans in Congress are always worrying about looking weak but I don’t think they’ve reconvened yet to discuss Syria. It will be interesting to say the least to see what they will say, and who will now be opposed to it now that Obama is for it. I feel that this is boiling down to one thing: How do we oppose Obama now? That’s the big question and I’m not seeing any real answers coming up since they had all that big talk when he wasn’t saying anything about Syria. It’s now time to put up or shut up. I’d especially like to know what Paul Ryan would say after spewing all that verbiage on us in the 2012 VP debate. All this bluster, what will you do?

Cory Booker has not confirmed nor denied rumors of being gay, but handled it in a way that is quite I would say smart. I think that while ones sexuality is their own unless they’re hurting gay people then I support full on outing, you will come out when you want to. No one can do it FOR you BUT you. But I also think that the political discourse…among most people anyway have come to where one doesn’t really care about a person’s sexuality and more about can they govern? What are their plans for the state? What are they going to do for us? How will they advocate for us on the issues we care about the most?

It reminds me of when George Clooney said he won’t deny or confirm gay rumors because he doesn’t want to send a message that it’s bad or negative. I given them both a huge thumbs up because of the fact at least in Booker’s case, it is simply a distraction from the things NJ residents want to hear about. His opponent is a Koch Bottled and paid for candidate that said if you get sick, then you’re on your own. He is a man who is trying to put forth Christie’s style of rough, unpolished predictable assholery and sell it to voters at a discount. The polls in October will see who is victorious. My money’s on Booker
Daniel Hernandez is facing whispers of a recall election from the school board because of the simple fact that he’s LGBT. Fliers coming out about we want a real man on the school board and other asinine mailings flooded his district. I’ll keep my ear to the ground on that one

I can’t make a proper transition so I’ll just swing on over to CBN where they are trying to cover up some incriminating footage.  Ask Pat time came around and Pat had a question of a woman who hasn’t been to church after finding out a man she’d been carting around to church is dying of HIV/AIDS and he accused gay people of wearing special rings that cut you and give it to you. The problem is: Most gay men I know don’t wear rings or to my knowledge have HIV. IF anything proper sex ed needs to be taught in schools for our little queer boys and girls so they can make informed decisions…and fund public health outreach…but of course, Robertson has been wrong before hasn’t he Mr. President? Going to Pat Robertson for health advice is like going to Paul Ryan for a balanced budget that doesn’t cut social programs. Yes, the jugular



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