You Just Might Have Romnesia If...

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You just might have Romnesia if....

If you think that Reagan was a good President though he turned our country from an international creditor to an international debtor, left the biggest deficit in history, but hate Obama though he cut the deficit in half You just might have Romnesia

If you admired  Truman and other Presidents for expanding healthcare to the poor, but hate Obama for making it universal you just might have Romnesia

If you thought surveillance under Bush kept us safe, but under Obama it’s a way to spy on you then you just might have Romnesia

If you were heated that veterans memorials were shut down when the government did and said nothing about food stamp cuts TO veterans then you just might have Romnesia

If you think that Benghazi was a bigger deal than the 80 dead in 13 different embassy attacks under Bush, then you just might have Romnesia
If you think a $70M website not working is a bigger deal than Ted Cruz’s shutdown escapade that cost taxpayers $24B then you just might have Romnesia

you think that we spend too much on SNAP but don’t bitch and complain about crop insurance overpayments, then you just might have Romnesia
If you think MSNBC is biased and only watch FOX ”News” Network Then you definitely have Romnesia

If you’re a Governor or Senator that crusaded against stimulus or the Affordable Care Act and asked for money from those laws, then you just might have Romnesia

If you think George Bush was cleanly elected twice but think voter fraud helped swing the election for Obama, then you just might have Romnesia

If you want to cut Medicaid, but have all 10 of your kids on it then you just might have Romnesia

If you think that Sandra Fluke should pay for her own birth control  but Rush Limbaugh should have easy access to Viagara then you just might have Romnesia

If you think a half term governor of Alaska is more qualified than  Hillary Clinton with a secondary educational degree, first lady of AR and US, former Senator and Former Secretary of State then you just might have Romnesia

If you think that a baby deserves to be protected in the womb, but you want to cut WIC, Head Start and Public Transpiration, Infrastructure. You just don’t have Romnesia, you have shit for brains

If you hate the fact that jobs are leaving for China then nominate a man for the Presidency (Mitt Romney) then you just might have Romnesia

If you demand as a Presidential candidate 10 years of tax returns from your potential running mates, but only release 1 year of yours, you just might have Romnesia

If you think Newt Gingrich has strong family values after 3 tries at marriage and say gay couples who’ve  been together longer than all 3 of his combined shouldn’t be legally married then you just might have Romnesia

If you blasted DOMA and Prop 8 ruling talking of unelected judges but applauded the Shelby decision then you just might have Romnesia

if you are a white conservative who says never forget to Pearl harbor and 9-11 but tell blacks and Latinos to get over racism, you have a terminal case of Romnesia and shit for brains

Now this is by no means the conclusive list of Romnesia symptomns but it’s a great starter piece. Please comment in this video about other Romnesia symptomns because it’s hitting Teapublican politicians like nobody’s business! Please, urge them to get some Obamacare and get treated for this horrible horrible condition!

If you voted no for natural disaster relief when it didn’t hit your own state then demanded money for yours, you just might have Romnesia

It must be a bitchslap when a video of Lenore Romney surfaces explaining why her son shouldn’t be President while saying while her husband should be Governor of Michigan
If you think that voter ID protects the integrity of voting process but oppose background checks for firearms then you just might have Romnesia

If you think Governor Perry has any say on the constitutionality of a law is valid and mock Wendy Davis’s analysis though she went to law school, then you just might have Romnesia
If you think that the possibility of being Kenyan disqualifies him from the Presidency but think Teddy Cruz should run for President, you not only have Romnesia, you are a complete and utter dumbass

If you think that food stamp recipients getting $130/month is too much but don’t mind Exxon Mobil pocketing at least $900,000/ gas station then you just might have Romnesia



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