Beauty & The Beast Hybrid DONE!!!!

Today I have finished the Beauty & The Beast workout, which is a hybrid—or two workouts—of Turbofire, a 20 week program and Body Beast a 12 week program put together in a schedule of 8 weeks. The First Phase is 3 weeks with a transition week with less intense workouts and the Second Phase is similar.

The First Phase has Wk 1-3
Build Back & HIIT 15 Monday
Fire workout on Tuesday (I put Fire 30, 45 & 55)
Build Shoulders and Core 20 on Wednesday
Fire Workout on Thursday (Fire 45, 55 & 60)
Build Back & Bis on Friday
Legzilla on Sunday

The transition week was less intense but still rough.

We had Core 20 & Stretch 10 Monday Wk 4
Core Cardio & Balance on Tuesday (which was supposed to be Beast Cardio)
Stretch 40 which I swapped out for Yoga X2
Lucky 7 on Thursday
Fire 30 on Friday
Sat & Sunday I rested (at least workout wise, I helped move a lot of windows that weekend in a warehouse I volunteer at)

Phase 2 kicked it up a bit. Instead of one HIIT they had 3 Wk 4-7
Monday Bulk Back & Stretch 10
Tuesday Bulk Arms & HIIT 15
Wednesday Core 20 & Stretch 10
Thursday Bulk Chest & HIIT 20
Friday Legzilla
Sunday Bulk Shoulders & HIIT 25

Transition week was the same as last time but I actually did Beast Cardio on Tuesday and Stretch 40 on Wednesday. I then followed it up with my now-customary 2 rest days to end the hybrid

This one challenged me a bit especially with the HIIT workouts after lifting. However, I still enjoyed the hybrid. The Fire days had Fire 30 in Phase 1 but I decided to inch up the fire workouts because I thought that would be best for me so I don’t just get used to one Fire workout. Also, I hadn’t done Fire 55 or 60 before starting Beauty & The Beast  so this was a perfect way to finally knock that goal down. For me 45 minute workouts are awesome because it’s the midpoint between a half hour and the full hour.

After the 1st part of the hybrid I took my measurements and they budged a little I lost 3 inches. After measuring myself again I realized I lost another 4! So in this hybrid I lost 7 inches off of my frame while building muscle and sweating like mad!

I went to take a shower one morning and noticed something I haven’t seen in a while. ABS! I see the line on the side of my body taking shape and I’m noticing I’m getting what I call my “middle cleavage” in as well as my chest being lifted higher. In fact one day my sister said “I know you’re losing weight” and I said “How?” I replied “Because yo titties don’t jiggle as much when you jump anymore” I also got complimented about my fitness when I went to CT and was able to keep up as much as possible with some of the younger guys, though they toasted me pretty good and gave me a run for my money in the game. My friends also noticed that I can’t do the “I’m drinking milk” where I take my chest and they flop. I was encouraged by that. Taking pictures along the way definitely helped. I took a picture before Asylum and on vacation a week before I had finished my Beauty & The Beast hybrid.

I remember looking around for a hybrid workout where I kept my weights but still did cardio and finding this was great! I wanted to do both and found out that Aug 2013 Beachbody did a promo and called it Beauty & The Beast….I was hooked, two of my favorite trainers (okay they’re all my favorite but Shaun & Chalene are my two TOP favorites!!! Lol ) Sagi Kalev is a little chatty like Tony Horton, but he is also a Beast! He gets all up in your “mental mind” and he’s also human, that’s what I love about these workouts they’re human! They’re not machines for the most part.

I love hybrids because this keeps my body guessing. I have another one lined up after my Pride Countdown I just call Brazil Butt Lift & Chalene Extreme Hybrid, I have no name for that one yet. If you have any suggestions, let me know in the comments below!

So the PRIDE Countdown, what is it? Glad you asked!
Mondays with Shaun T—Asylum vol’s 1&2
Tuesdays with Dan & Rach from Les Mills Combat
Wednesdays is PUMP Day with Body Pump
Thursdays with Tony Horton
Fridays I’m One With The Butt Brazil Butt Lift
Sundays it’s time to stretch


This one I’ll do for 4 weeks and it will end on PRIDE Sunday ending with my two day rest period. In the future Asylum vol 2 will be done probably in October or November as a “Banish Winterflab” campaign, similar to my October start of Insanity 3 years ago. I’m sure it will be tough, but I’ll be fine…and turn a few heads if I do say so myself. I’ve been working on me for a while and it’s about time I did it! 


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