2014 Elections I'm Watching

November 2014 Elections 

I remember saying that women in 2014 will help Democrats bounce back in 2014. I mean it as surely as I’m sitting here. Women’s rights has resurfaced after bills in OH, AL, TN—at least 400 bills to regulate women’s health have been introduced in state legislatures around the country. One of the women that came out against a bill in TX is Wendy Davis. I will share 3 videos about Wendy Davis in the description because she has done a lot in her time in the TX State Senate in Austin. She has helped pass a law that would ease the backlog of rape kits in TX, she had pushed a proposal through the Legislature that would help married women vote under their maiden names if they hadn’t changed their names on their IDs—prior to that a well-known TX judge was almost turned away from voting. The Republicans were so afraid of her that they tried to size her district to Republican to get rid of her. She argued successfully in court to keep the district the way it was—and I’m sure that her constituents were proud of her. She is a TXan woman who gives me hope that I can stop calling the state TexASS. The most her opponents have against her is calling her abortion Barbie after an 11 hour marathon singlehanded filibuster and that she married her husband to get through law school. Those pithy attacks are distracting from the fact that her opponent Abbott sides with a child predator Ted Nugent and doesn’t care to have companies disclose if they’re using or dumping toxic chemicals in their neighborhoods. He also opposes closing corporate tax loopholes…SURPRISE Wendy doesn’t! The Unsinkable Wendy Davis v. Perry heir is what I’m going to call this one

Mary Burke is taking on WI Governor Scott Walker, she’s up, he’s up and the race is so called  a dead heat, but again turnout for Burke will be what the election hinges on. She’s up 2 points among likely voters of so much so that Walker is trying to get the voter ID law he signed 3 years ago implemented before the election. Novice v ALEC is my name for this one

US Senate Races

Another woman I have heard a little bit about is Amanda Curtis from MT, people believe she will help the US Senate stay Democrat as she is very similar to another woman named Elizabeth Warren. One of my facebook friends Nancy has been posting about her and I can say that any friend of Nancy’s is a friend of mine. I hope to see MT stay blue in an election where Democrats may hang on by the skin of our teeth, but not so if we can up voter participation. Conservatives are calling her a “radical revolutionary” which when used by Democrats is anti-American though it was The Teabaggers’ intentions to shutdown the government if they didn’t get their way. She’s running to replace a Democrat of Montana Max Baucus. She’s down currently but with enough support, she can turn this thing around

Uphill battle v. Businessman I’ll call this one

Kentucky is facing a monumental task. Mitch McConnell has been in the news for saying that Cloverlick, KY was a fictional town on his agenda saying that barriers to women in the American workforce were basically eradicated. Let’s not forget he also claimed to be supportive of the VAWA Act, which he voted against, He voted against the Lily Ledbetter Act, Paycheck Fairness Act, Minimum Wage Increase and these are things that affect women disproportionately as women are often paid on average $0.76-$0.77 on the dollar that a man gets. Women are not 76%-77% people. They are the driving force of our workforce and most often the breadwinners of the household. Alison Lundergan Grimes has been hammering him saying that she will stand up for KY, been very cautious in regard to President Obama as it could be a political liability for her. She’s a fierce defender of women and attacks him on that basis as women are sick of Republican men attacking women’s rights and McConnell has been in the Senate for 30 years and hardly has anything to show for it…except millions in a campaign war chest and personal wealth. This one is neck and neck with likely voters and I hope to see Team Ditch The Mitch get their goal and welcome Senator Alison Lundergan Grimes to the Senate

Another race I’m watching that may not be getting as much press is Louisiana Landrieu v. Cassidy in the US Senate. Landrieu is probably one of 2 Democrats in the state delegation she shares a similar situation with Mark Pryor of AR—who is AR’s ONLY Democrat. Cassidy is up by 1 point and I call this the
Louisiana Delegation Battle as Cassidy is currently a District 6 House Rep.

In other news Martha Coakley MA’s AG is running for Governor to succeed Deval Patrick. The Independent candidate for Governor is Anti-gay Scott Lively

Some other races I'm looking at: 

LePage v Michaud of Maine
Hassan v Havenstein of NH—which has 2 year terms for Governors
Deal v Carter of GA—Carter is actually up 4 points
Brownback v Davis Brownback was up 12 points until his state economy crashed, got a downgrading in the states credit rating and now that could be Democratic pickup as Davis is up now by nearly 3 points
Corbett v Wolf shows Corbett in some major trouble with Real Clear Politics giving Wolf an average of +12
Scott v Crist This is one that I’ve been following and I think Crist as a popular former Governor will be able to flip this one Democrat

 Have a great day and I'll keep watching! 


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