The Whamma in Alabama!!!

So, you’re looking at Alabama and wondering: What the heck is going on? Well let me learn you something, but listen closely.

So in 1996, Congress passed DOMA because Hawaii almost recognized gay marriage or at least an opinion from the state’s Supreme Court said so. In 1998, the crisis was averted as the people passed a law saying that the Legislature can define marriage.

So in 2003, the Goodridge decision out of Massachussetts came along and threatened to have everyone marry there and go to New York, Virginia, Alabama, Mississippi, wherever they would go and seek recognition…Not so fast gays…you’re living in a DOMA enforced state, we don’t have to recognize gays and lezzies getting married round these parts. Not only that we passed the Alabama Sanctity of Marriage Act so that’s a double bitchslap!
Meanwhile, a gay couple had to be in legal limbo when Dr. Paul Hard and his mother in law were in a legal battle to be recognized as his husband
So gays and lezzies couldn’t be recognized and in June 2013, a decision called Windsor overturned DOMA but Scalia said “Hey now state bans are vulnerable” and they fell like dominoes. 4th Circuit, 7th Circuit, 10th Circuit…all ruled in favor of marriage equality. Then came January 2015 and that awful Judge Callie V Granade, she had the gall as a George W Bush appointee to overturn the Alabama Marriage amendment! Who does she think she is? A Judge? Oh right, well she’s not Chief Justice Roy Moore of the Alabama Supreme Court..enter Chief Bigot
Update: Dr Paul Hard has been recognized as the legal spouse of his late husband!

Back to the action at hand.
Roy Moore issued a ruling to probate judges who are elected not to issue marriage licenses, in blatant defiance of a federal court ruling! I mean, he’d never done that before in 2002 when a federal appeals court ruled he couldn’t have a 10 Commandments statue on Government property, which the Alabama Supreme Court is…that had to be another Judge, who was removed in 2003 then re elected as Chief Justice in 2012.
So, he issues that ruling and as of now 50 counties are issuing marriage licenses, some aren’t having any weddings gay or straight. However, Granade did issue a ruling that did say: hey stop splitting hairs with my ruling. It applies to you Davis!
Now I think it’ll go in front of her again and the AG, Chief Bigot Moore and other government officials will end up getting a legal tongue lashing from the judge…preferably, I’d like Moore to be disbarred for disobeying a ruling he didn’t like. He says he’s dissenting, but you file one if you’re hearing that case…not going in direct violation of a court order. Yet, I feel that this is just another legal tantrum he’s having and so have other states like OK who passed a crazy bill not only to ban gay marriages which have been legal since the ban was overturned, but want to take the step of punishing officials for issuing those licenses AS IS THE LAW! Let’s take a moment to point out that one of the OK House members that is pushing the bill is Sally Kern! Big surprise! I guess she got rejected by a gay friend on facebook and have been against us ever since…why didn’t you accept her friend request?

So anyway, that’s the rundown on what’s happening in Alabama as we’ll see more in the unfolding drama. I’m just hoping that those 17 counties will hurry up and do what they were told to do in the first place, and of course an Alabama where Roy Moore is disbarred would be a lovely one to live in.


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