The Wiz...Racist?

I’m here to talk about the fact that the Wiz was called racist for having an all black cast

These people are very funny because they never said anything about the teen movies like The Breakfast Club, Pretty in Pink, Fast Times at Ridgemont High, St Elmo’s Fire, Home Alone…let’s go back into the 60’s Pillow Talk, Viva Los Vegas,  most of Elvis’s movies were predominantly white but I hear no one complaining about that. Gone With The Wind had a black cast member who was nominated for her role (Hattie McDaniel) and I’m sure when she won at the Academy Award for Best Supporting Actress we had a lot of racists out there saying then that she doesn’t deserve the award because she’s a nigger.

I don’t care what anybody says about this but if you are more offended that I used the word than someone constantly calling me that in the comments, and talking about I live in public housing, I have food stamps, I only want people to support me because that’s why I support Bernie Sanders, you’re a racist a socialist a communist and I am only those things when I disagree with you. I don’t care! I am tired of individuals like Neo Confederates just like the Old Reconstruction whites telling me that I have to prove my existence as a person that needs to exist because they don’t see me as equal. You are idiots, morons and dying off. You are the same people who refused to understand why President Obama even won the primaries and elections. You want to revise history with The Confederate flag in one hand, Bible in the other and make sure you have your shotgun balanced on your shoulders; you say you love this country so much but your worship a flag that was raised against this country that you claim to love!

These are the same people who are saying the Wiz is racist, anytime they see black empowerment, anytime they see people like Morgan Freeman, Samuel L Jackson, I understand that on a fundamental level they say that these are the exceptional ones but everybody else are niggers

Let me make something very clear to you: YOU are the problem with racism in this country today, you defend police officers as if they can do no wrong! When a cop is shot at Planned Parenthood you want to say Thank God for the shooter! He killed a COP by the way. Cop lives don’t matter when an Oregon police officer turns in his racist chief and receives retaliation and death threats from his fellow officers—cop lives don’t matter then to you! Just admit that you are a full blown racist and what ever little respect I have for you will shoot up an iota!

This is NOT about the Wiz! This is about the fact that we have a white majority with the majority of influence, social institutions by which they can affect the racial makeup of power in this country and constantly divest other communities of needed resources. Who will say you don’t deserve a quality education if you went to an inner city school. What boggles my mind is Cecil Rhodes killed millions of Africans, alongside Leopold II of Belgium but you won’t learn about that in history books, and Cecil Rhodes gets a scholarship named after him. One of those Rhodes scholars were Bill Clinton. THIS GETS TO ME because I’m not the problem! Me talking about racism isn’t the problem, the fact that there is more pressure for me to stop talking about racism as opposed to confronting it when it exists and even then, as if white people must agree it’s racist to confront it…white privilege at its finest!

The problem wasn’t in Reconstruction governments that opened its doors to black people, it was the Old Confederates that said that black people had no part in it and shouldn’t be a part of it based on skin color alone. What’s so funny also bringing it into today is this: Hillary Clinton can say that “America is ready for a woman in the White House” but if Obama said “It’s time to put a black man in the White House” you would see it on the news 24/7, incessantly!

I know that many people did vote for President Obama because he’s black. Many Catholics voted for JFK because he’s Catholic. Then they want to take The Wiz, a 1975 play by Charlie Smalls and then they want to call it racist, of course they don’t care that most teen movies of the 80’s and 90’s only had ONE black person in it…IF THAT….and Not Another Teen Movie made a lot of points about that, Viola Davis even said that black women are  underrepresented in TV and films. Go on in your world where we’re all post racial and race doesn’t matter. Let me tell you if I’m open carrying an AR 15 I’m going to get shot. Too many white men and white supremacists have been murdering more people than ISIS ever could,  and you focus on Syria. We have Americans killing Americans and you say “White supremacists isn’t the problem, domestic terrorism isn’t the problem. The problem is in Ferguson and Baltimore, the problem is anywhere a black kid is shot and killed because he would’ve grown up to be a thug anyway” Where were these All Lives Matter people when Zachary Hammond was shot and killed? I heard nothing. It took the Black Lives matter people to shame them, they were openly skewering All Lives Matter, and so was I on social media, because black lives do matter! But all lives do not, All lives matter was just “Shut up Nigger” If you are more offended that I said Nigger than the fact I’m called that…then YOU are the problem.

Good day  


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