Why does Conversion Therapy Blame the Parents?

I am a gay man who is closer to my Mom than my Dad. I have a good relationship with both, but my Mom and I talk a lot more. I am also closer to my sisters than my brothers, but I have been one to do my own thing. A conversion therapist would easily say that I am gay because I am closer to my Mom than my Dad and need more male role models in my life. I have them. Yet, I wonder this: How do you account for a Mama’s Boy or a Daddy’s Girl who is straight? No matter what, the so called therapist will say that I didn't bond with my Father and I am looking for that bond in another man. I want to settle down and raise a family and be a Father myself; that is far from reliving a failed bond with my Father. 

So I dare to ask how do they account for those who are heterosexual who connect with their opposite sex parent? I am sure this would be a zap, but more than that it is a fatal flaw that I would like to see them explain. They won’t, their theory is a load of crap because as Dr. Christian Jessen said in an episode of Undercover Doctor “It’s easy to get a model and make it stick to anyone” Said model is flawed


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