The Camper That Just Wouldn't Sleep

This year, our summer camp regrettably decided to remain closed as a precaution to safeguard our community. As I think about the time of year this is and the fact that we'd be in our 3rd or 4th Session of camp I can't help but think of the life of a Camp Counselor I could be living, and of course the stories I could tell. One of them features a kid I'll dub Zip and I had to pull out some heavy artillery, a very unusual thing. 

It was my night on. I had already taken my break and ate the Counselor snack and was back at the cabin. Our fellow Counselors were dismissed to enjoy whatever their evenings while we were going to drag out our little mattresses and blankets in front of the doors and get whatever precious sleep we could. However, there was one obstacle 

But let me back up to our Day from Diablo. We were short two Counselors because that's the way it fell. Our Whisperer and another Counselor, a gentleman from Central America was off that day too. We were struggling a bit and one camper screamed, setting off another one that got violent and while we're trying to calm him down another got started. It was like little fires popping up, thankfully I didn't have on that night...but I didn't want this night to turn into that. So, I took the Scream kid for a walk while everyone prepared for bed (he was a quick study when it came to bedtime) 

So the obstacle: Zip...a cool kiddo that loves all kinds of things from construction equipment to fireworks, he developed his own signs for things and we learned to translate what he said. In no time, we were on the same page. Except for bedtime. This day, it was relatively quick and painless except for Zip. See, he was fighting off sleep during our night activity, and once he was ready for bed by all metrics...he would just sit on his bed...just sitting there, staring at the EXIT sign. 

Not wanting to have a kiddo at full alert walking around the cabin, I sat in front of his bed as he stared at the EXIT sign...right in front of the outward-swinging door I'd be sleeping in front of maybe minutes, probably hours later...Oh no, I can't let it get to an hour, I thought We get precious little sleep anyway I concluded. I evaluated my options. I could sit here and block the red exit sign placing my chair strategically so my head would obstruct the view of the sign and I'd sit in awkward silence as he would stare...or move to see the sign anyway. 


Left with little to no choice, a brilliant idea came into my mind....I can't believe I hadn't thought of it before. I'd always listened to the rain to drift myself off to sleep...or to pee first then go back to bed, or get some Celtic music...that always put me out. I smiled devilishly to myself because I knew that since the Celtic music I usually listened to put me out it should do the same to him. It was a momentous occasion and there it phone. I grabbed it out of my pocket triumphantly, scanned the menus and thew on the Celtic music. 

"I"m up" I shouted to myself afraid of nodding off if I didn't do something drastic to stay awake. I looked around quickly to see if someone stirred or I woke someone up...okay, all clear, everyone's still sleep. Oh no...I thought...Zip...wide awake. My inner baby was kicking and screaming, crying and pouting because I wanted to go to sleep. I wanted to count sheep, I wanted to DO SOMETHING! Something other than watch a kiddo! How long had the music been playing? Has Celtic music met its match? Let me blink my eyes some so I can stay awake....Wait...a Miracle! 

There I was on the chair, listening to the Celtic music and Zip reached his hand out to push the phone back toward me. That could only mean one thing....IT'S GETTING TO HIM! It's working! As soon as I knew that I kept the music going for a few more minutes then turned it off because I was on my way to la la land if I didn't. Afterward, he put the cover over his head, then stuck his foot out to see if I was still there. I moved my chair back and watched a few minutes to see if he would stay or not. As soon as he put both his feet into the bed, I took the chair to its usual place and stealthily opened the creaking door, collapsing on the bed as soon as I got it into place 

And that, The Camper That Just Wouldn't Sleep 


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