Vice President Me: Answering the VP Debate Questions

Question 1: 

Even if a vaccine is released soon, the next administration will face hard choices. What would a Biden administration do in January and February that a Trump administration wouldn't do? Would you impose new lockdowns for businesses and schools in hotspots? A federal mandate to wear masks?

Yes, we would impose lockdowns for businesses and schools, hotspots and a mask mandate if Doctors recommend it. This is not something we need to kid around with, this is the health and well being of our seniors, our teachers, students and all Americans. On top of that we would assist the homeless population so they would have a place to stay with necessary services to help them keep housing 

Pence Question 

For instance, our death rate is two and a half times that of Canada, next door. You head the administration's Coronavirus Task Force. Why is the U.S. death toll, as a percentage of our population, higher than that of almost every other wealthy country?

The death toll is high because we have a bunch of pro lifers that just don't care about lives outside the womb. He could've imposed lockdowns, they didn't. He could've used the Obama playbook, they didn't. He could've took it seriously, he didn't. He wanted to make sure it would ravage "blue states" and started bidding wars over PPE. This man and his boss don't care about you or your life, he cares about having power over life and death and chooses death by ego every time 

Question for Pence 

How can you expect Americans to follow the administration safety guidelines to protect themselves from COVID when you were at the White House have not been doing so?

They can't, that's the simple answer, and as we've seen Trump got top notch healthcare and experimental drugs that are way out of the price range of most Americans. Why is it okay for Trump to get socialized medicine that voters of IN, his state he was Gov over and my state of NY can only dream of? This is a sin and a shame. At a time when we are told how to keep the infection rate low, he and his boss constantly do everything they can to spread the virus. Americans can't count on Trump/Pence to solve the problem when they are dedicated to worsening it 

If the Trump administration approves a vaccine, before after the election, should Americans take it and would you take it?

I would simply want to have transparency in the process before I committed to taking it. I don't know what corners they might have cut in order to speed this up for an election or a win. I would be guarded and if it was proven effective with a non biased Doctor I would be willing to take the vaccine 

Have you had a conversation or reached an agreement with President Trump about safeguards or procedures when it comes to the issue of presidential disability? And if not, do you think you should?

We've had extensive conversations about it and I have to be prepared Day 1 to take over in the event my running mate is elected President and they're out of the country. Yes, we have 

And in recent days, President Trump's doctors have given misleading answers or refused to answer basic questions about his health. And my question to each of you, in turn, is, is this information voters deserve to know?

Yes, the voters need to know the truth about the person they elect to the Highest Office in the Country. The only reason someone would give or allow false information is if they are in some kind of delusion of being invincible. Time wears us all down, and the Presidency is a big burden physically, emotionally and spiritually. They need to know the person they elected is up to the job

The Campaign has proposed new programs to boost the economy and you would pay for that new spending by raising $4 trillion in taxes on wealthy individuals and corporations. Some economists warn that could curb entrepreneurial ventures that fuel growth and create jobs. Would raising taxes for the recovery at risk?

It wouldn't, that's just fearmongering because they want to profit in this country and not pay taxes to the country that made them great. Those taxes are going into roads they drive on, planes that deliver mail from coast to coast, and programs that help the less fortunate. We had a top marginal tax rate of 80% from 1936-1980 and the downturn they keep warning about happened AFTER we lowered it. If tax cuts for the rich created jobs we wouldn't be in this situation in the first place

Should Americans be braced for an economic comeback that is going to take not months, but a year or more?

How ever long this is going to be is how long we have to keep on pumping up money into the pockets of Average Americans. If you are an essential worker, I am in favor of having them get hazard pay at twice the hourly rate or their salary. I am in favor of having a tax on Wall Street transactions to fund PPP and you only qualify for it if it is a family operated business or has 500 employees or less. I want a $2000/mo stipend for all Americans on top of whatever they are making at work and an additional 1,000/mo per child because we know children are EXPENSIVE! I would push continue the payments at least 2 years after the end of the pandemic. It might be "over" but the hit to the pocketbooks of Americans won't end because the pandemic is technically over. I would also put those payments toward every single person within our borders, those living in our country undocumented also need to live. 

Do you believe, as the scientific community has concluded, that man-made climate change has made wildfires bigger, hotter and more deadly? And it made hurricanes wetter, slower and more damaging?

I do believe that. 97% of scientists have proof of it, animal migratory patterns have changed, storms are more violent and devastating all because we've decided that a profit was more important than the planet we live on. It's time for the Green New Deal so that we can turn a profit from destroying our planet and handing one to our children that is habitable 

What exactly would be the stance of a Biden Harris Administration toward the green New Deal?

Ban dirty fuels and hydrofracking, strip mining and all those methods that pollute our air and water. Paula Jean Swearingen thought she was a redhead, until it was revealed her hair dye was due to pollutants in the water. If another country blew up our mountains and polluted our water we would not HESITATE to drone bomb them. Companies do it and don't even get thrown in jail and when they do they do a paltry sentence. Coal miners, we will put forth a program that will transition them WITH PAY to green jobs--they won't need black lung benefits for that because they won't put their bodies on the line in that way to provide for their families. We will fight for it, we will make sure we can pass it come hell or high water. Our children can't wait 

Do you believe that climate change poses an existential threat?

If my previous answer didn't give you a clue I don't know what will! 

How would you describe our, our fundamental relationship with China? Competitors? Adversaries? Enemies?

I would personally say frenemies, the US and China have massive economies, they have 4x the people we do but all in all it is a difficult tightrope to walk. This is an interdependent world and we have to live as equal partners. That might not be what everyone wants to hear but it's what has to happen. Our relationship with China can be tenuous at times because we're both looking at our own self interest

What is your definition of the role of American leadership in 2020?

The world community counts on us to be thoughtful, persuasive and lean on relationships we've built, not burning them to the ground. We can always come to a compromise and when we need to: Speak softly and carry a big stick. It doesn't mean that we grab the club and thrash the room in a huff. We try different approaches to keep peace but if conflict is unavoidable, we handle it as best we can with minimal risk to civilian lives. 

The role of American leadership is being an equal partner on the world stage and allowing nations to develop on their own but still keep an eye on hostile actors

If Roe v Wade is overturned, what would you want California to do? Would you want your home state to enact no restrictions on access to abortion? 

I am not a person that believes that free market means run amok. I want to guarantee women's safety during the process and that they can have access to medically induced abortion medication if that is what they need. For people that like to say "Don't get between a woman and their Doctor" they sure love to make sure that distance is as far as possible because they don't think a woman should have the ability to determine when she becomes a Mother. 

Also, if a woman wants to get a hysterectomy she shouldn't have to be of a certain age and have her husband sign off on it. Neither should an 18 year old man if he wants a vasectomy, there are limits to what people can do with their bodies, but reproductive freedom is something I will stand by and LIFE doesn't only begin in the womb for me, but I count life as after they are born, that is why it is pro life to support Universal Healthcare, Universal Day Care and Tuition Free College 

 They say they were acting in self defense. None of them have been indicted in connection with her death. Senator Harris, in the case of Breonna Taylor, was justice done?

Justice is never done in these cases, that's why there are so many riots and protests happening across the country. All they are asking for, all WE are asking for is for the police that murder unarmed individuals to be tried as if they were ordinary people. If I shot and killed Breonna Taylor, it wouldn't take 5 months to charge me with her murder. No, I am afraid that if we don't see justice it will have to come to some terrible ways because people are tired of a justice system that will punish them excessively but not protect them

If your ticket wins and your opponent refuses to accept a peaceful transfer of power, what steps would you and Vice President Biden then take? 

Get the Secret Service and have them toss him on his ass. He can see 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue as a civilian for the first time that way 

“When I watch the news, all I see is arguing between Democrats and Republicans. When I watch the news, all I see is citizen fighting against citizen. When I watch the news, all I see are two candidate parties, trying to tear each other down. If our leaders can't get along, how are the citizens supposed to get along?” And then she added, “Your examples could make all the difference to bring us together” – end quote

I can agree to disagree on something like whether pineapple goes on pizza, it does or whether Neapolitan is one ice cream or three. But I will NOT agree to disagree on voter suppression in Texas limiting every County even one with nearly 5 million voters having ONE drop box. I will not agree to disagree on a ND law that disenfranchised Native American voters ahead of the 2018 election or the FL poll tax The Legislature put in the path of returning Americans. I will not agree to disagree on giving rich Americans another tax break. Where I can work with Republicans, I will work and I will draw a line in the sand on other things. What you see is what you get and I won't be afraid to call out complicit Democrats either. Right is right no matter who I'm criticizing 

My last two minutes

To say this election is important is an understatement. I want every American to vote, even those unfortunately barred from it because of felony disenfranchisement. I want THEM to be able to vote after their sentence is done and rejoin the country they have a second chance in. I want to make sure that a woman is the Captain of her own body and can have Paid Family Leave up to the first 5 years of her child's life because those are the formative years, as well as Fathers. We have a vision for the country, one where we tax the wealthy and have a minimum wage keeping pace with inflation and a thriving America where the poorest has healthcare, not just ACCESS with an $8,000 deductible. The government pushed affirmative action in the New Deal, it's time for Americans to get The Real Deal 

Thank You 


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