My Favorite Valentine's Day Movie Twofer: Valentine's Day (2010) and Trick (1999)


Valentine's Day is a 2010 film directed by Gary Marshall. It follows a group of people including Ashton Kutcher as Reid Bennett who proposes to his girlfriend Marley, she accepts and Reid's friends are taken aback by it. There is a subplot including Jennifer Garner as Julia finding out the man she loves is married, it's a great scene

I don't know why I have such an affinity for this film. It's cute, charming, has a lot of characters I equally like and the direction and script give us a lot to work with. It's not a film for everyone and the characters may seem a little much to keep up with if you want to turn your brain off. But if you like looking at multiple stories and seeing them connect, you'll enjoy this film 

Trick is another one of my favorite Valentine's Day films. It follows Gabe and Mark who are trying to look for a place to get laid and get stymied at every turn. If you want to see a review of it, you can click this link. I love this film because there is no homophobia to contend with, no HIV/AIDS, it's all about finding a place to get laid and the hilarity that ensues. 

The two leads played by Christian Campbell and John Paul JP Pitoc respectively are endearing. Gabe is a fresh faced sensitive artist type and Mark seems a bit more hard edged and experienced in the gay scene. I enjoyed seeing the two go through their night and get to know one another. Honestly, it's a breath of fresh air since I'm sick of seeing the same old stories over and over again 

My Valentine's Day twofer...these movies are always in rotation and I usually end on Trick...because let's face it, I want to see more gay romances with happy ending. While Dashing in December and The Christmas Setup was a great start, I enjoy the fact that Trick was unapologetically gay and seemed to be made with a gay audience in mind 

Hope you had a great Valentine's Day! 


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