Right Now I'm Just Being Blunt

Hello Everyone,

I'm not gonna cut corners right now because my fate is not in my hands, I hate my boyfriend for not being able to be here with me to at least say a soothing word to me...and every song I listen to is simply a reminder of him not being here, while I'm fighting for OUR RIGHT TO GET MARRIED and posting and emailing Greg Ball-less and trying to educate people who now know why marriage matters.

I was at the Grandmas house to watch the vote, both tonight and yesterday night and the Session is dragging ass. You SKELOS ARE DRAGGING ASS ON MY RIGHTS, I'D LIKE TO SEE HOW CALM YOU ARE WHEN YOUR ASS IS ON THE LINE! We stopped a demonstration outside of Grisanti's cocktail party and while I'm glad we did that I hope he understands that MY FUTURE FAMILY CAN'T WAIT ANOTHER ELECTION CYCLE. I swear, I will be the most venomous person you've ever seen if I have to get through another one. I don't have the diplomacy in me anymore for people who would stop this from happening. I want to believe they're not stupid, but my faith in Albany has been let down again--as if I had any to start with. Now all of that hard work is being stalled, by FUCKING USELESS bills that have nothing to do with many NYkers lives...I DON'T GIVE A FLYING FUCK ABOUT HTE STATE MINERAL OR VEGETABLE AKA GRAIN! GIVE ME MY FUCKING RIGHTS AND YOU WON'T HAVE TO SEE MY FACE ON THIS ISSUE EVER AGAIN! GOT THAT! STONEWALL II IS TWO SECONDS AWAY AND YOU'RE DICKING WITHE PEOPLE'S FAMILIES AND YOU HAVE THE NERVE TO TELL ME TO WAIT!

Patience is something that I don't have right now. I don't know if I can wait any longer without having a brick ready in my hand to vandalize something. It is at the point where I'm ready to go outside with a bat and rough up a Senator--wish I could be that cold hearted because I sure would get alot more done in Albany than simply begging for the dignity that I deserve. Half of these fuckers who cite religious objections are not even PRACTICING CATHOLICS OR ANY OTHER KIND OF RELIGION! Are you fucking kidding me? What the fuck do I have to do so you'll give me my rights? Do we have to start smashing and looting? I will say at this time I am not above that! I just want this done NOW! I can't wait! I won't wait!

WE---the Gay community have logged too many transfers to our Senators, I have done all I can do--helped with phone banking, we've talked to people at events, I've walked til my feet were sore to tell people to call their Senators, to get involved, to KEEP calling I've talked to too many people who say it should be legal already, heard too many stories of those who have had their whole lives crumble underneath them when their partner dies, when their partner is in the hospital and can't see them. Afterward, it is like you're a legal stranger and your family that you've never seen can now swoop in and take EVERYTHING from your partner! IS THIS THE AMERICA THAT HAS NO SECOND CLASS CITIZENS?!!! WHAT THE FUCK?!!! Yes, I am swearing, but right now you'lljust have to edit that out if you don't care to see or hear it! I can't take it anymore! I want to marry NOW! I want to have that option open to me to fuck it up like everybody else does! I want to go down to City Hall and get a marriage license. We have done too much! We have begged, and pleaded, we have bargained....but now I will tell you plainly, that Stonewall II will be up there if this doesn't pass and I'll be one of those rioters because what else must we do if you don't take our plight seriously? What other PEACEFUL means can we go to?

We are fighting for our lives...and you are fucking around with mindless pieces of legislation CALL IT TO A VOTE AND VOTE THIS INTO LAW! STOP FUCKING AROUND WITH MY LIFE!

Love You All
Until The Pen Strikes Again


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