Tumultous Tracy Morgan

Hello everyone,

Today I went to Thursday in the Square and asked three men to call their Senators to call and urge them to support the Marriage Equality Act. One man tried to shove me aside and one other made a homophobic joke that lead me to ask myself: What gay clubs have YOU been to? But this made me look at the attitudes behind homophobia, that lead to the Don't Say Gay Bill, the Special Access to Discrimination bill which said that if a city ordinance goes beyond state protections it is void--which happened in the state that Tracy Morgan decided to do a homo rant in...The Not So Great State of Tennessee!

The Reality
 Faggot, fudgepacker, pillow biter, fairy these are some of the things I am called on youtube and other forums while defending the dignity of gay and lesbian couples. One time I wrote on a video against Act 1 which barred gay adoption in Arkansas (I wrote two notes on it under my Terry Purdue profile the link is here: http://www.facebook.com/note.php?note_id=10150150998426751 the second one is: http://www.facebook.com/note.php?note_id=10150149169291751) that this is only a law against gay and lesbian couples who wanted to adopt, the reply was: They should adopt when there is no stigma against it. In that case Palmore v. Sidoti in 1984 was decided wrongly so was Lawrence v. Texas in 2003. I came back and said: Is this what you really mean? And then he started on the gay people turning kids gay...(I start filing my nails out of boredom) and then it descended into him mainly name calling the usual ones

One quote I ran into: listen if you are a faggot no matter what you will stay a faggot. The problem is the faggot attitude towards faggots and we don't want children to emulate faggot lifestyle and experiment with gay relationships which they will consider okay if they are reared by faggot parents. In general faggots are so messed up. How many sane faggots have you come across. I think the ratio sane to insane is 1:5 in the faggot community. why would any one in their right minds support faggot adoption. You can see it on the following link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nnuEIv_sllw (You see that he just doesn't like gay people though he wraps his argument up in trying to consider 'what's best for the child')

The fact is that no matter where you go, you are bound to see racism, homophobia, sexism, misogyny--but that doesn't make it right. So let me double back to TN, where Morgan made his famous speech that he would kill that little N if his son came home and told him he was gay. These kinds of people have gay family members who are too afraid to come out to them because all their lives they may hear: Not my son, not in my house and they 'applaud' other members of the family because 'you're a better person than me' Damn right. Their acceptance of their children will guarantee them a place at their table and their lives.

Jay Leffew, whose father disowned him because he came out as gay has renounced his last name of Foxxworth and said that he has now taken his husband's name. Who can blame him for that? I've heard of people who moved away from their small towns because they couldn't be themselves where they were, can you imagine the pain that he had lived with for so many years because of that, but I'm sure he wouldn't trade it for anything because it made him stronger. We are stronger than the bashers, the hate, the violence, and homophobia combined, be it from the stage or the pulpit, the government or our homes.

Tracy Morgan
I mainly saw him as a dumb comic, he was in Little Man if I'm correct and I really didn't get to know who he was until Death at a Funeral where I still saw him as a dumb comic but an okay one too. Somewhere along the way I learned about 30 Rock, which I at first confused with Third Rock From The Sun. I knew little about him until reading about how he was partying and then he turned his back on it and became a successful Husband and Father

TM in TN
Now, when I heard this I was shocked...however, I shouldn't have been because black people are some of the most homophobic people I've ever met, but they are also living their gay and lesbian lives in secret. They are driven to this many times because of sentiments like this and internalized homophobia. I hate this because of the simple fact that one minority shouldn't be itching to take away the rights of another---they are the traitors to the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King and Caesar Chavez, Che Guevara and those revolutionaries that fought for real change in the lives of many! I have no pity for someone receiving the poetic justice that comes from people doing dirt to others--as with the Prop 8 proponents.

So, let me jump back to Tracy Morgan and saying that Tracy needs to put his money where his mouth is. He needs to meet with people who have been harmed like Jay--who is an amazing father along with Brian...these guys have shown what it really means to be gay--not only that but how to be a person first, and gay is only secondary to their identity. They are Fathers, sons, brothers, cousins and their children are regular kids. Daniel is an average young man while Selena is a Princess...and their family is amazing--which I can see my family being like. When he thinks of gay people does he think of people like them? People like Sean Chapin who have done more for human rights than Tracy has making a buffoon of himself? People like Kitty Lambert and Bryan Ball who have fought this issue in NY and whom I've come alongside in their struggle for equal rights, Grandma Kitty and her wife, Grandma Cheryle have 5 kids and 12 Grandkids who are all amazing! What about people like Carol Speser who is the mother of Gay Pride in Upstate NY? When it was impossible to be out?

Does he realize the strength it takes to come out and be honest with himself? If that was the case, he'd realize he yelled fire in a crowded stadium. Homophobia kills just ask the families of the kids we know about who've committed suicide due to constant bullying. Tracy you can make a fag joke all you want you can not understand us...BUT WE WILL NOT GO AWAY! We have been killed, denied our rights, bashed and we are still here!

Your apology was only a CMA--Cover My Ass...This time you need to cover your heart in the wounds you've inflicted

Love you all
Until The Pen Strikes Again


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