Bullying in General vs. LGBT bullying

 I wrote this because I am sick of people talking about bullying in general without  understanding that the way society views the LGBT community is fuel for the fire of bullying, and thus, it gives the bullies of Jamie Rodemeyer a pass to bully him.


I am a Buffalonian and I am shocked by the reception of Jamie Rodemeyer's
death to the kids that bullied him. I am writing to call attention to the fact that people are forgetting ONE SIMPLE TRUTH. That Jamie identified as gay. Gay students are bullied disproportionately (more often) than their straight counterparts

We have to have not only policies from our schools, but in our communities that bullying based on any reason--AND LIST THEM--is not tolerated. Leaving sexual orientation and gender identity out of bullying policies and not even ACKNOWLEDGING that this is a reason gives other students a free pass to bully LGBT students

Parents getting involved in their child's education can
help curb bullying as well as school officials setting a tone that this will not be tolerated. Our workplaces are also filled with adult bullies, we need to make sure that we cover bullying in the workplace, and cyber bullying to prevent another Scott Walsh, Jamie Rodemeyer, Raymond Chase, Zachary Harris.

We have the power to do put an end to bullying...We also have to understand that the climate we set by telling our kids that being gay is a mental illness, and conjuring up the stereotypical images of gay lesbian bisexual and transgender people have no basis in reality. We have to stop demonizing LGBT people as if we are the enemy of all that is good and true. We have to stop allowing religious groups to sway us to believing that all gay people want is sex and to molest children. THAT IS THE ROOT by which LGBT bullying thrives, that is the root by which society allows us to vote on the rights of a minority. This cannot continue

Thank You
Terry Purdue


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