Stop Hating On The Feminine Gays

Does the way he sashays disgust you?
You think that your masculine expression of yourself is superior to that of the feminine man who has the testicular fortitude to be himself?
You are Pathetic, more than a bigot
Because you think that your masculine expression is superior
You think that because you are a husky man with full beard that you are better
No, I submit to you that you aren't better
Just different
I am tired of you assailing feminine gay men
Do you now charge that I am one?
I am masculine and feminine enough for me, that I will submit to you
You think that because he's skinnier and wears skinny jeans and is rainbowed out that he makes you look bad
You think that because he's voguing and you get to look at them with disgust because that is not your expression that you are
Why are you so insecure?
I can see if it were forced, but he is acting in a way that is natural to him
It is not disgusting, terrible or crazy

I can watch the bears, leather daddies and the drag queens together and appreciate them all,
I can watch the people dressed regularly and appreciate their beauty.
When you complained about the outrageousness of the Pride Parade, I could tell you don't like being gay yourself
You told me that most of the people were dressed in a way that was outrageous. You cited nuns with a penis on their heads but I saw none
I looked at pictures to see if you had a point, but you didn't have one
Do yourself a favor and love yourself
Appreciate the beauty in others and you won't hate yourself so much
Yes, I understand that you must come out all the time to the people you meet
But you are in the same boat with us
Every time they pass an anti LGBT law, they include you
They don't qualify it as only FEMININE gays are the ones covered
When we get thrown out, fired, they must only know we're gay
When we get shot at, attacked they must only THINK we're gay
When we get insulted, they only believe we're gay
Understand, you must appreciate your own sense of masculinity and that of others
Before you stop hating yourself enough to enjoy the worth of others
Stop Hating on The feminine gays
You set your sights now on those who are different from you, just like the tea baggers
Stop it,
Stop telling the feminine young man that he is beneath you
He needs to know he is strong
You need to tell him that
He needs to know that he can soar with the Eagles
You must be the wind beneath his wings
He needs to have someone in his corner
You need to be the still whisper in hid ear

Don't disturb yourself with the way he sashays
Or is obnoxiously loud sometimes
Or by the way that he expresses himself with his feminine ways
It is a part of his person
As your masculinity is a part of yours
Your expression is not better
Just Different


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