Dan Savage Panzie A-- Controversy, Kill the Gays Pastor

Hello All,

Spencer here,

Well today I am giving my two cents about Dan Savage Controversy and mention Amendment 1 in NC and MN, as well as a crazy Pastor's plan to 'kill the gays'

Dan Savage

So Dan Savage is in hot water with the Religious Right...as he often is but who cares? He says that if we ignore all the things about shellfish, menstruation, diet, clothing and other parts of the Bible that modern society conveniently ignores, why can't we do the same thing with homosexuality? I mean, in church there are abominations walking around all over the place, mixed fabrics!!! SHRIMP!!! NON VIRGIN BRIDES GETTING MARRIED!!! Of course, no person in their right minds would marry their rapist...just had to throw that in there. Let's keep in mind that this Assembly was voluntarily attended

So, Dan is saying this and then a group of students start walking out because he's bashing the Bible. He says that "You can tell the Bible guys in the hall they can come back now because I'm done beating up the Bible," he said. "It's funny as someone who is on the receiving end of beatings that are justified by the Bible how pansy-assed people react when you push back.' I think that's spot on because of the simple fact that these same people who bash gays in the statehouses, pulpits and any other soapboxes that they can occupy. I've seen a lot of people talk about homosexuality as if homosexuals are the ones destroying society, that we are victimizers of children, that we can't and shouldn't adopt or be parents because that will 'confuse children' (the kids aren't confused, the adults are). Then, we see these students who have probably said something like that or even bullied gay students are now walking out when their hypocrisy is being dished back to them. I say that this is calling out bullshit. Now, I love the black community and the gay community and I run into the intersection of both communities when I am out and about. I will happily call out both communities on their bullshit. That is how I am. Calling them panzie asses is a bug on the windshield compared to the numerous ballot initiatives, constitutional amendments (recently Amendment 1 in NC, MN is set to vote on one soon. WA & MD are working on ballot initiatives to 'veto' marriage equality at the polls and ME is going to vote to legalize marriage at the polls) and laws that are designed to make our lives miserable.

Now, Christians...let's see...how many ballot initiatives have been targeting Christians and their ability to be parents? Does it seek to make their marriages unrecognized by the different states? Are there any social movements to deny them their rights?

As far as I see it, I often see them represented by a lot of legislation that says: Bullying is okay if you're expressing a religious opinion. Gun owners are covered from discrimination, but not gays in MO, in VA, MS and UT gay couples can't adopt, and a similar ban was overturned in AR a year ago. All these assaults on the gays and not ONE single one on 'religious liberty' that can't be explained away as accommodating both the religious and the non religious.

My whole thing: So the fuck what? I didn't weep when James Forrester died or Chuck Colson, I don't shed tears when professional homophobes die. Call me cruel but I really don't feel sorry for them or their families. Yes, they lost a loved one, but look at how many murders they've allowed to happen. I've seen a few videos say that Dan was wrong for victimizing children...PUHLEEZE! I told the people posting those videos: It's easy to say that Dan shouldn't have done that but will you fight against legislation that will say you're not bullying if you're expressing a religious opinion? Will they fight against homophobic comments they see from statehouses nationwide? Will they stop maligning gay people? Of course not! Will they confront their leaders' homophobia? No way, just go ahead and dish on a symptom instead of handling the problem as it is.


On the heels of Amendment 1's passage in NC, and President Obama's declaration of support for gay couples marrying we have this pastor who says that we should be killed by being placed in an area cordoned off by an electric fence and left to die. Sound like the Holocaust much? And the crazy thing about it is that the same people who say this say that the kids who committed suicide due to bullying are 'embracing a deviant lifestyle' and I bet they dance when a gay kid offs himself. I would not put it past this man.

In response to President Obama's support of gay nuptials, this happens. A plan to systematically kill off all the gays. Problem is, more gays are going to be born outside that fence, so...what of them...do we ship them in after they come out? Besides this being patently unconstitutional, it shows EXACTLY the kinds of sentiment gay and lesbian people deal with that Dan Savage was talking about. I would like to see this Pastor if he were at the mercy of gay people telling him about himself, he would melt into a ball of nothing so fast and claim persecution--as are the people coming to the defense of those students who walked out.

Whenever the rights of gay and lesbian people are put on the ballot box, you are going to run into crazies who just want us to go away...to die, to get rid of us so they can go back to never having to think about 'two men or two women' and the 'awful lifestyle' of gay and lesbian people. We couldn't swarm on his church, but he could swarm in our Pride Parades. I am a fan of buffer zones, where they can't be within 500 feet from the festivities. Hell, I want them barred. I don't want them anywhere near the parades like we can't be anywhere near their churches. Most.

This is the bullcrap that I see all over the place, like that activist in Ukraine being beaten as a journalist just captured it. Like the Georgia (Former Soviet Republic) Pride erupting in violence. When I see stuff like this I just think: These things make me want to bash back. Yes, I know we'll become 'just like them' but I'm a fan of "sometimes you gotta break yo foot off in somebody's ass!" However, only when necessary will that ever happen. Right now, we need to get united--which is what A1 did in NC, and I hope that they sweep people into the chamber that will take crucial steps to protect LGBT citizens of NC as well as hopefully undo that amendment, which is on the way to being challenged now. I don't see it going anywhere in the NC Supreme Court, but stranger things have happened

I have no sympathy for him or people like him and whatever misfortune befalls them...that includes Sally Kern and Reuben Diaz, both of whom are legislators

Until Next Time


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