"You and Your White Boys"

Hello All,

This is something I hear a lot of whenever I spot a guy, who many times just happens to be white who is very attractive to me. I have to say that there are a lot of attractive guys out there and when I see one I'm usually like "Helllooo...." I don't know why that is, but I just say that. As I go about my day, I'm riding on my bike seeing different people, and it being summer time, all the hotties are coming out. Some people just 'got it' and some people like me had to work hard to get that summer body--I say that the summer body isn't just worked on in the summer. So, back to the topic. I don't know why I happen to be attracted to white men most, I just am.

I have heard a lot of people say to me on facebook and other mediums that: You are ashamed of your race because you're dating a white man....I tell you, if I were ashamed of my race, I would manifest it in other ways than 'rejecting the black man' In fact my sister once asked me: How come you never brought home a black guy? I told her: I like black guys, they just don't like me back. In fact, I have hardly had any luck growing up dating. I never dated in high school and was celibate to avoid myself, It wasn't a noble thing of: I'm going to go without for a while because it's good for me.

So, I remember talking to a guy--another black guy a while ago and we got onto the topic of dating and how we both just have a lot of interests that are what I like to call "race atypical". Now, in Buffalo I've noticed that not a lot of black men actually have interests in anime, science (things like The Universe and sci fi) and I like listening to people play DND and fantasy novels while I don't read many of them, I can enjoy people talking about them and explaining them to me. Maybe it's Buffalo, but I don't see a lot of black men who have my same interests. Mainly I wanted to kind of express the fact that no I am not hateful of my own race--in fact, I am proud of my race but like my country, I'm not afraid to call my black community on their bullshit.

I guess in closing, I don't know what I really want to say. Other than the fact that I feel that sometimes I have to defend my blackness or something, but then again I tell people kiss my ass because I'm not going to lessen my attraction to the people I like because someone thinks that I'm self hating.I just thought I'd write this because it's been on my mind a while


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