DL Men are Victims Too

Hello All,

Today I am going to talk about a oft neglected viewpoint that is easily seen when it’s looked at objectively. I submit to you that the closeted men henceforth referred to as DL men are as much a victim as the women are. I will also indict Ex gay movements as a driving force as well as societal stigma and a host of other reasons that I believe DL men are as much a victim as women are.

I was gay since I was 7, and people would say: How do you know what you like if you never had a girl before? Well, I would flip that back and ask them how do they know they don’t like the same sex if they never tried it before? Now, if they tried it and found it wasn’t for them—great, we are not all that adventurous, I have been a vegetarian since birth and I will continue to be such. I grew up hearing that gay people were sick, perverts out to destroy the family, harm kids and weren’t at all respectable or worth looking at as role models. Now we have Ellen, The First Openly Lesbian Senator Tammy Baldwin, Melissa Ethridge, My favorite MSNBC Lady Anchor Rachael Maddow, that sexified silver fox Anderson Cooper, that nice looking Don Lemmon and the Spocker Zach Quinto. I also know many people on facebook that are respectable indiv’s who are gay professionals, there are gay doctors—Linda Harvey says that one shouldn’t let their children be treated by gay doctors, they are soldiers no longer hurt by DADT and not being forced to keep their sexuality a secret. I have grown up hearing that at one point, you could have your children taken away from you because you were gay and given to a drug addicted parent just because they were straight. This is what we grow up listening to, even if we have the most supportive households. For minorities, the church plays a huge part in our development. As a young man, I loved going every Sunday but the sting of homohatred showed up somewhere and I would wince inside as I felt an unbridled jackhammer rip apart my insides. Yet, I saw them embrace a drug user, and it would’ve been easier to tell them that I’d been to jail and murdered someone

Now, after looking at this a lot of people will say: Times have changed, America loves gay people. Apparently, you may not have looked at LGBT news and headlines that show a man’s father telling him that in order to get an inheritance for his children, he must divorce his husband and marry the mother of his children. This is psychological rape and gay bashing from the grave. Did you also hear about the Christmas Day beat down a lesbian got? Did you hear about a woman threatening her Grandson’s roommate because he is gay and if I’m correct she believed that her grandson would be “turned gay” if he lived with him? No doubt you’ve heard about the kill the gays bill in Uganda, but did you also hear about the lawsuit against Scott Lively for peddling hate there? You may say that gays have more freedom in this country than any other country, but is that a reason to deny further freedoms such as the freedom to marry, raise children and live an ordinary civic life which includes these things?

Given the background I have described, I would suggest watching 8:The Play to get a greater feel for how it is growing up gay, it is a great way to also see the arguments used against LGBT people and to  find out more on the legal battle

This is why DL men are as much victims as the women they hurt are. However, we must not absolve women of all responsibility because women cheat, they just don’t get caught as often as men do. That doesn’t erase the fact that they do. Also, not all DL men have unprotected sex and are in relationships with women or are HIV+. To conflate the DL with HIV is as stupid as conflating long hair with afro sheen, it may look like it could be true and in some cases the DL men are having unprotected sex, but who’s to say that the woman isn’t out there with someone else on the side while her man is hugged up with who she thought was his homie? It is my sincre belief that we stop acting as if the DL is about sex and HIV, when in fact it is about a societal stigma that visits itself upon our churches, families and communities. It is difficult to be gay in America, and it’s about time that we address this root cause of the problem, of which the DL is a symptomn


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