1 Girl 5 Gays Crush Ish Furoz (Video Version)

Hey Everyone, This Is The Spencer Hamilton Blog!
I wanted to talk about 2 guys from a show I love to watch and how cute they are and namely one comes to mind. Sometimes I think I find so many men cute that I think I’m a slut when it comes to cuties, ogling them and replaying sexual fantasies in my head until I’m passed out in a pool of sweat and baby batter…

Well I’ll admit that I’m a sucker for cuties, maybe it’s because I see beauty in everything or everyone unless they’re complete dipwads or something. But I have a small list of guys I find attractive Shaun T of Insanity (who always has to turn around and show you how his butt’s down while demonstrating proper form) Leandro Carvahlo the Butt Master. That beautiful silver Fox Anderson Cooper (Shoutout to Mrs. Cooper, she keeps me up on Anderson memes 24/7!) Josh from Insanity he’s always in the back with the bandana. I think he’s cute as ever, there’s also Andy from T25 and Asylum volume 2, which I will be doing later this year to banish winterflab. I also find a composer Adrian von Ziegler cute, maybe because he’s shy, a kickass composer and he’s just himself. That’s the most attractive thing you can be. I had a huge crush on Michael Gross, back in the Family Ties days at least and Alan Thicke...his son Robin rather.

They are amazingly attractive to me and I have not been shy since coming out about cute guys I see around me. Everyone needs that best girlfriend who they dish on the cuties to. Such is my amazing friend Hector, the first person I ever came out to. We have a friendship that spans at least 12 years and we like my best friend Gary can go without seeing each other for years and pick up like a day had never passed. Well on Monday nights Ru Paul’s Drag Race would come on and sometimes I would see another show at 11 that would come on LOGO called 1girl 5 gays and let me tell you the cuties that came through there were pretty awesome.

Let me start the list

Gerry, I think he’s a personal trainer and a spinning instructor, and he has a banging body. I would violate and be violated by him anyday, I guess it won’t be a violation if I like it. What I like about him is that he seems a very confident guy in himself and his expression of who he is

Jonathan S seems to me to be a very sparkly personality one of those people whom if you are having a bad day would be the one to pick you up, wipe the dust off of you  put his arm around you and go out for dinner and a drink. I bet he’s great to be with in a group of people

Jonathan N once you get past the serious case of bitchface there’s a tender heart that’s a fierce protector there

Philip Philip is just a warm hearted person from what I see of him. He seems to be a Mama Bear type to me that’s the impression I get most of all

Juan is like the PERFECT way to describe my friend Hector, and close to my personality type as far as being old fashioned but not stuck in the dark ages. Juan is a guy that I would travel to the gates of hell and back with because when he draws on your side you know you have a person who will call it like he sees it and be as blunt as a spoon

Jake is cute. Taylor is also cute but for some reason the gap between his teeth suits him and when he smiles he can break your heart easily. His body rivals Gerry’s

Coming down from that a little bit, David just screams romantical. This is an archetype from what I’ve seen of him that I would date, romantic thoughtful and all around awesome. He’s outshone only by two people in the cast one of them I’ll get to

Dean. See I have something for a cute guy with a nice smile he almost reminds me of a tall Cheshire cat in a good way. He’s a big guy with a big smile to match and eyes that sparkle like stars in the night’s sky. He also is in denial about how hot he is, he may be modest but please…believe some of that press but don’t get big headed. I doubt there’s any real danger. He seems like that guy next door you’ve crushed on forever and moved away from before you could tell him how you feel. I wonder if he’s completely clueless when guys are hitting on him, but he seems like a very sharp guy though

Now. Coming to the piece de resistance….I had to say something clever to get to the last but not least person here. I remember his guy joking about carrying a baby and said something about his “big ass lips” and I have to say I’m an assman but when I see a nice pair of lips (the ones North of the border, I won’t touch the Southern Lips, I’m a vagatarian…) I just can’t help but be drawn to those lipses, look at them they’re juicy. But the main thing I like about Ish is that well he’s one of a few people of color on the show and I can imagine growing up of Middle Eastern descent must have had its challenges and being gay on top of it…yes, a familiar tale. Once I started my twitter account I was pleased to find he had a twitter account and I turned into Miroku the Lecherous Monk from InuYasha, asking him to bear my child. I mean I think we’d have some cute kids his Middle Eastern charm and those nice lips, and beautiful complexion and we’re not too many shades apart....where’s the Fertility Clinic? I also for some reason like shorter guys, and by shorter I must mean shorter than me because I’m probably like a huge tree to many people. A lot of times I just like the thought of coming up from behind my guy and just grabbing him close to me….let me get off of that topic right now.

I’d always wondered how it would be to date someone of Middle Eastern descent not because of where their heritage is from but I’ve always been curious about the people that inhabit this world of ours. I’m glad to have found the show One Girl Five Gays because I honestly want gay kids to see this show and think: Wow, in this little town gay people are thought of as the enemy of all that is decent but they’re just like people I hang out with at school but they’re gay. Yes, it’s light hearted and comical but it has heart. I am sure that it has opened people up that may not normally watch a gay show like this but were probably adjacent a person who watched it and at least a seed was planted that we’re not the ugly people that the Religious Wrong portrays us as.

So I will continue to love the show and follow Ish on twitter, his feed is hilarious and ask every so often: So, how is the bearer of my child doing? I hope he and the guys from 1 girl 5 gays have wonderful success in all they endeavor to do and I’m glad to know each and every one of them, albeit through a TV screen. Opening yourself up on national and in my case since I live in the US international TV is not easy.

With that I regrettably inform all fans of 1 girl 5 gays who haven’t heard that Matthew Santos has died, it was reported on February 12, 2014 and I’m a little shocked. Our glamorous friend shall shine on us from above. Santos is Santos and I love his moments on the tele. He’s to me a man that just is who he is and all we can say is Santos is just…Santos. Rest In Glamour and I pray that the family of 1 girl 5 gays will be comforted through this tough time.

Until Next Time Readers!!!


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