6 Things I Don't Understand About The Fat Acceptance Movement (My Commentary in Bold)

Carolyn Hall writes 6 Things I Don’t Understand About the Fat Acceptance Movement


1. America is extremely accepting of fat.
The fact is that America is more accepting of fat than gay people. Being fat is genetic, being gay is a lifestyle choice, and the fact that we’d rather tell a kid that they are “big boned” or “a little tubby” and that it’s okay because everyone in the family is then we are lying and helping no one but ourselves, and that’s selfish.

My favorite meme is a patient saying: The problem is doctor, obesity runs in my family
To which the doctor replies: The problem is NO ONE runs in your family

 I’ll be the first to say that our body is our greatest fat shamer because it  will rebel against us with a heart attack, diabetes, joint & back pain for carrying such a heavy load. It’s like over packing a suitcase and being surprised when it starts to burst apart at the seams, you need a bigger bag, but you need to lose that fat.

Also, look on any corner and you’ll see many fast food establishments and the people walking in and out of them are a prime example of how accepting we are of fat  

2. “Body positivity” should include health.

am a big guy, was a tubby kid and people still call me fat today. However, with exercise and diet there is less of me and I realize the importance of health while understanding that I am progressing and making positive changes in my life for the better. Body Positivity is not just about accepting yourself as who you are—a work in progress, but accepting that you are not made to carry all this excess weight and will take steps toward Wellness. Fitness & Wellness isn’t about being skinny, it’s about being healthy, rested, vital, robust and strong. Fat Acceptance takes health and says to it: You’re not important

3. “Health at every size” seems physically impossible.

A study was done a while ago and my bullshit detector went off when it said that the people surveyed and monitored had no obesity related illnesses…YET…. Like I said: Lying to ourselves only helps us, until we can lie no more. When even walking gets to be so hard we need to pause every 5 minutes, the jig is up. You may have hit your wall

4. People are allowed to not be attracted to certain body types.


Not being attracted to a certain body type is no real cause to say “Fat Shame” but people like what they like. The only issue is how people say it “No fats” is just being a complete moron about a preference. There is a difference between liking what you like and being an idiot to other people who don’t have what you like


5. Food addiction is a real medical problem.


In a country that has so much “food like substances” is it any WONDER why we have such an epidemic? Chips, processed foods cooked up in a lab are made to get us addicted. Now food addiction is the opiates for the masses and what makes it worse is that it is a NECESSITY, food, not processed crap. However, I won’t act like I’m innocent of eating these food like substances as I’ve had my share of it. With it, it’s not eating to live, but living to eat. Food addiction needs to be treated like any other addiction. I wouldn’t call it a disease though


6. Childhood obesity is something we can’t be accepting of.

I will never forget some of the Maury shows where a woman feeds her kid more food in a meal than I could ever have in a day. It elicited outrage from the crowd to see a 5 year old look like he has two ten year olds stashed away for an afternoon snack. Not one parent wants to see their kid ostracized because of their weight, color, gender height or other things, but when you make it okay for your kid to be fat then blast others for making fun of a reality (which you helped create) the fingers point back at you.

Children hardly get time to actually move around and be active in school. That is something we need to really push for, enough play time. Animals often do so to learn and when kids have time to get up and move around I am sure a lot of disciplinary problems inherent in school can be alleviated by allotting enough time for play. After all, that energy has to be transferred so why not have it transferred in a positive manner?

You follow an obese child home and most likely you will see two obese adults greeting that child when they get home. It’s time to end the cycle of obesity the hard way, not with a pill, drink or magic formula.

The kind of acceptance the Fat Acceptance Movement tries to paint is one where you are not responsible for your weight and are joying that you’re killing yourself with empty calories and processed food. Accept yourself, love your body, but not treating your body like the great machine it is, that is something that I can’t accept. Obesity related illnesses & costs probably dwarf the national defense budget by umpteens because we've allowed fat to become more of a danger than tobacco, drinking and even HIV. Think about that, obesity related illnesses kills more people than HIV...food for thought..


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