Racism & The Obama Presidency

I saw some footage of an exchange between Louie Gohmert R-TX and AG Eric Holder where Gohmert accused Holder of not taking a Congressional investigation seriously and Holder finally had the spine to stand up to Gohmert and say “You don’t wanna go there, don’t assume that this isn’t important to me” and then Gohmert shot back that Congress was trying to get to the bottom of Fast & Furious where “innocent Mexicans died” of course that was a dig at the administration, don’t confuse it with sincere regard for the Mexicans who were allegedly killed

Afterward at an NAACP speech, Holder said “Forget that it’s me, when have you EVER seen an Attorney General Of the United States treated like I was by a House Panel?” Everyone attended knew exactly what he was talking about, it was a dog whistle of a different sort, calling out racism without exactly using the term racism. See, AG Holder and President Obama have often had to be very careful, whether necessarily or not about talking about race, but when has race issues become a horrible thing to mention?  

See, many people look at it and say well they were sleep or talk about Obama bringing shame to the office of the Presidency but when they take a look at the record and the falling deficit as well as Obamacare working despite the hiccups one has to wonder, why all of this blocking legislation that could work for Americans? Why  all of a sudden are Republicans blocking Unemployment Extension and a Minimum Wage Increase, pushing for immigration reform, veterans benefits, jobs bills, raising the debt ceiling that has been bipartisan ALL this time? You have to make it harder for one President to do than Reagan who had done it EIGHTEEN times? What is so different about his President? Kenyan? Muslim? Any of those would be a better reason than the truth. He’s black

AG Holder said that he never said his race was involved when in fact to any person who has followed the obstruction it began Day 1 and Swingrich was in the closed door meeting that obstruction it began. It was no matter that Obama would reach across the aisle and bring a Republican idea to light that was spoken of by Presidents of both parties, whether he would do what Presidents of both parties have done with recess appointments or fill vacancies on the federal bench…none of that matters because the issue of race must not be talked about even if it is hiding in plain sight

When I point this out to people, they get nervous and say his policies are the reason, when I press for which policy they disagree with it comes down to shallow talking points heard on FOX News or other Think Tanks for the Right. If his policies are so bad, why don’t they let it hit a Fever pitch with the people and let the people push for repeal? If Equal Pay for Women is so bad why not pass it until the backlash hits so much that Washington will feel the need to repeal it from women who are sick and tired of having equal pay? If Minimum wage Increase is so bad, why not have minimum wage workers get the increase and say “We want less money?”

This is the issue: If we keep ignoring race and pretending it’s all good when it comes to race relations which is what we have been doing despite all the vitriol from Congress and from people who have in fact went further than they ever had with any other President then we all are guilty.

I can’t keep sitting by and listening to George Will and Brit Hume talk on a panel with white men who think discrimination happens when people call them idiots for expressing their crazy ideas on TV and somehow they have the nerve to tell me that I am wrong for calling out racism in its forms and accusing me of “race baiting”? Of course people who’ve never had to deal with racism, can walk away from it whenever they like and don’t deal with it on a daily basis, won’t see the cops barge in their homes and arrest them, harass them and not see justice can’t tell me anything bout being a post-race society. Remember Pearl Harbor, Remember the Alamo, Remember 9-11, Forget about Slavery because it’s over, even if Alabama acts as if the Civil War ended 5 years ago and Paula Deen slips up and calls me “boy” while I pass by her plantation house.

Again like I said prior: It’s hard to believe racism is over when racist white people are the ones saying it


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