My Top 10 Vidhead85 Youtube Channel Videos

My Top 10 most viewed videos according to Youtube in their order

Posted: Sept 20 2012
1,421 views and 0 Likes and 1 dislike

Home Alone and Home Alone 2 made McCauley Culkin a star, 20th Century FOX a lot of money and kids into sociopaths thinking what they could do should unfortunate thieves ever have the good fortune to break into their house. Darlene Love’s music is from the 2nd movie where Kevin realizes he’s in New York…and continuing the McCallister Travel tradition. This is my favorite song in the whole soundtrack and makes me smile whenever that part comes along in the movie

Posted on June 10 2013 with 480 views 6 Likes and 0 dislikes

I talk about how a friendship seemed one sided when I was willing to do things in their sphere but they never wanted to come into mine. I feel that friendships are give and take and when I have friends I want them to see the other spheres I have…this friend also seems to be very clear cut, in a box surgical and getting him out of that box is going to take a lot

Published on Aug 2013 with 915 views 5 Likes 11 Dislikes

I ran across a right wing post that showed a couple with the last names Christian & Newsome and the details of their murders. There was a lot of things thrown in saying that Newsome was sodomized and her breasts cut off which weren’t corroborated by any local press. The main question the Right asked was why was Trayvon Martin’s murder getting so much coverage when this didn’t? I offered up a few reasons: Controversial law (Stand Your Ground) Predominantly white area and a neighborhood vigilante as well as a cover up with the Sanford PD, all of which made this case much more intriguing than the clear cut murder of Christian & Newsome but no less tragic. I also said that in the case of Christian & Newsome, their murderers were sent to jail from 53 years to 18 years

Of course I got a lot of comments that this was a hate crime and I don’t find anything that confirms that than others’ speculations, it was a robbery.  Some said it was the wrong color for a hate crime, and even people saying they were heroes of the black community.

I also found out this tidbit from where the rumors of mutilation occurred or were spread from a Vanguard News Network which according to the poster Justice For the Silenced is a white supremacist network


Posted July of 2013 with 702 views and 11:20 runtime, I made a video of a man who ranked all 23 cast members from worst to best, worst was Dom who has springs for legs while your hopping like a demented frog in Plyometrics, the transition point was Eric from legs and Back where he was just interesting enough, to Adam as the most ripped guy there and in most of his videos he was shirtless but coming in at #1 was Pam the Blam! This was P90X specific and I know it doesn’t have a lot of views but I enjoyed it a lot because we all have our favorites

#6 Sesshomaru and Rin Father-Daugher or Husband-Wife (

Posted March 2013 with 1,756 views 44 likes and 3 dislikes
I am an avid fan of InuYasha and have put out a few videos of InuYasha because it’s one of my favorite animes of all time. I also made one where I theorized that Rin & Sesshomaru would be like Guardian and child and later become Sesshomaru’s wife. Somewhat like InuYasha and Kagome and Sesshomaru’s Father who married a human girl. A lot of people weighed in and I’m actually getting a lot of comments on it even today. Thanks for that one, I enjoyed making it

Posted Sept 2012 with 6048 views 46 Likes and 1 dislike

I saw the movie Felidae in 6 parts so I combined them together and decided to post it up in its entirety. It was a great movie that was in the opposite direction of the Aristocats as it covered a new cat on the block investigating the murders of other neighborhood cats. I liked the German with English subs because the language is so rich with expression that I felt English just bastardized. The climax and ending as well as the story is engaging from jump and I have to say this cartoon may traumatize kids…I was 26 or 27 when I watched it and it traumatized me…same with Watership Down

#4 Keshia Thomas Risks Life and Limb for White Supremacist 1996 (
Posted in September 2014 with 894 views, 5 likes and 3 dislikes

In 1996, a mob decided to give a white supremacist a taste of the medicine some of our ancestors tasted; Keshia Thomas risked life and limb, covering up a white supremacist who wouldn’t have given her that luxury. It made the rounds on facebook and I thought: I couldn’t do that; I’d want a rock to bash that man’s head in or give him a rope and have him swinging from a tree. I admitted that yes, it’s a primal thing, but I didn’t care about being noble. I can’t face someone who wants to kill me, my family and everyone I love based on our color…or my sexual orientation like Maddow and Bahati did and not want to bash back.


Posted in August of 2013 with 6,711 views 38 Likes and 4 dislikes, this is the 2nd InuYasha video to make the list. Shippo first makes an appearance in Episode Enter Shippo & The Amazing Thunder Brothers where he wants to avenge his Father but needs the help of the sacred jewel shards humans and demons alike want to get their hands on to make them powerful. After avenging his Father Shippo makes himself at home with the cast and despite his diminutive size, he is a big help to the ragtag crew which includes a reincarnated Priestess Kagome, Lecherous Monk Miroku, Demon slayer Sango and of course, Miyoga the Flea which loves to flee to a safe spot. He’s cute and cuddly and makes for some hilarious interactions, a kid in a world of adults.

Posted in September 2012 with 73,026 views 267 likes and 12 likes this one took me by surprise and I got a comment on this one 3 days ago. I first saw the trailer for this movie on Tekken and the hauntingly beautiful Japanese music lured me into the dark web that was this movie. There’s Yoma running around and their goal is probably to take over Earth, one guy is with another who got infected with Yoma or something and somehow he has to save their clan. There’s a lot to this and I just watched it once. I even wiki’d it just to see if I can follow it. Maybe a tutorial like the one the Nerd Twins did about Prometheus would be great for this one

Some honorable mentions
Chicago RTA uppercuts woman 2619 Views 3 Likes 0 dislikes

Debate Dan Savage and Response

Pre-Debate Video ( June 2012 1437 Views 8 Likes 11 Dislikes

Post-Debate Video  ( 2012 282 Views 1 Like 1 Dislike

RussMarine Response: Gay History Quiz!!!! ( 2013 1117 Views 19 Likes 1 Dislike

Hitler Downfall Parody November 2014 1089 Views 6 Likes 4 Dislikes (

He Slapped His Mama 919 Views 5 Likes 0 Dislikes (


Taking my top pick in the video is Favorite Sesshomaru moments, it follows Sesshomaru from his first introduction in Episode 5 where he seeks the Tetsusaiga and wants to have ultimate power. His ever faithful Jakken by his side, he later takes a human girl and she addresses him “Lord Sesshomaru” as does Jakken which in Japanese is Sesshomaru-Sama. We see a journey from a hard hearted demon who eventually grows to love and care for Rin, but if you kidnap Rin…he’s coming for you and he has no hesitation about shedding blood. He is not very expressive with his emotions but we know he loves, and when he shows up we know he’s going to reach into his never ending archive of badassery. I guess this is why that video has garnered an impressive 165,860 Views 952 Likes and 68 dislikes…that’s 68 people who Lord Sesshomaru needs to visit sometime soon

I had no idea this video would touch people this way and I’m really glad to have saved the best part of the video for last. I have links to the videos below in the About Section, and the honorable mentions so check them out!



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