Who Is Burning Black Churches? & Confederate Flags

Confederate Flag & Burning Black Churches

So Dylan Roof is a lone wolf in SC, wearing the flags of Rhodesia & South Africa, apartheid era regimes in Africa. He surrounded by white people in his hometown, white straight males outnumber most people of color in his Legislature, Confederate Generals have buildings named after them—which in front of them are wreaths of the Charleston 9 in front—and they fought to uphold slavery. John Fueslgang compared the Confederate flag to keeping your side piece’s picture up in the house that you and your spouse share. The romanticism of the Old Confederacy and South…well, it’s pitiful, but they claim heritage

So let me tell you about your heritage. The “War of Northern Aggression” was fought to uphold slavery, to keep people as pets. After slavery, the Black Codes changed the word slave to Negro and the slavery laws were basically intact, then we started seeing and still are seeing how the different races are taught in the legal system. Parchmann Farm is such a place that showed the prison industrial complex, Soylent Green for black folks. Segregated schools, churches, public facilities…all under the banner of the South’s “Way of Life”
In 1948, President Truman said a word that brought the Confederate flag roaring back…Integration and the Confederate flag, which wasn’t adopted by the Confederate States of America or flown at any of the Capitols…became the “Heritage” of the South. So Slavery and opposition to integration are what they stood for, not only that but the man who created the flag said it was a white man’s flag. I guess I’m touchy for opposing it and saying that everything named after a Confederate Generals should be renamed for…hmm…Thaddeus Stevens or someone who actually upheld the dignity of all men.  Also I find it funny that those who cling to the Confederate Flag will often tell us that slavery is over and to get over it, while ignoring the facts of life for black and brown people in America. Forget the Tuskegee Experiments, the bombing of Black Wall Street in 1921, the Bombing of Philadelphia, Assata Shakur, the fact that police treat a white man with a gun differently from a black man with a gun, that the media likes to talk about black on black crime when I’m simply saying that police brutality has to stop.
Now we have 8 terrorist attacks to contend with and America wants to know Who’s Burning Black Churches? White Supremacists are the first people I can think of.  This is an attack that Dylan Roof approves of and I’m sick of forgiving and treating white supremacists like they deserve mercy when they show none to people who have fought black and white, and every color in between to uplift the black people of this country. America doesn’t like to use the word terrorist, or at least the American media because it would be more easily condemned if ISIS burned those churches. A CVS is burned in Baltimore, riots broke out in Ferguson, and I don’t hear white evangelicals who courted black churches for their anti gay marriage amendments calling for the arrests of those who are burning historically black churches

 White supremacy is our oldest foe, we can deny it all we want but if we don’t deal with the things that the Confederate Flag symbolizes we will never move forward

White America has to start listening to us and stop telling us that racism works both ways because racism needs a power structure to give it the desired effect of disenfranchisement. White America as a whole has to get as outraged about the word thug, welfare queen and forced bussing (a subtle dig at integration) and other coded terms that conjure up images of black people. White America has to shut its mouth and listen to how it is in black America because we are under attack no matter where we go and even in our homes. I fear for my life when I have to deal with a police officer because I don’t know if that officer will victimize me even if I’m polite. I know for a fact I won’t get Burger King if I’m in the back of a police car either. White America has to get the picture and stop saying that it can only define what is racist…or not.

Yes, we have to work together to defeat this horrible foe that has killed more Americans than Bin Laden or ISIS…ON OUR OWN SOIL! Pearl harbor and 9-11 is nothing compared to what white supremacists have done AND CONTINUE TO DO WITH DOMESTIC TERRORISM. We have to start learning that the greatest criminal has historically been the straight white male, and the fact that he’s not looked at as dangerous makes him even more so
Now, if you’ve held on this far I have a ? to ask: If I were white, would you call me racist? I had a talk with someone who called ME racist, but a white man was just crazy. Double standard America…double standard


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