Ditch the Term Cancel Culture

The right wing loves o talk about cancel culture in the context of free speech. Everyone likes free speech...well they don't as evidenced by the GOP's war on critical race theory in statehouses. Kaitlin Bennet the Kent State Gun Girl always starved for attention wanted Ohio State University defunded because students protested her visit. The hypocrisy of claiming they're censored while fighting to suppress black peoples' votes across the nation is particularly telling

They also like to draw a line between two surface similar events like...Kavanaugh hearings vs Capitol Terrorist Attac. Anyone with critical thinking skills know these two events as unrelated as far as East is from West

But free speech is the catch all...The Right wants free speech...unless you're Lavar Burton talking about consequence for behavior and thus, undercutting the lynchpin of "cancel culture" See, the right has framed EVERYTHING as a difference of opinion as opposed to the consequences of behavior 

A woman being fired for a racist incident, or creating a hostile environment hasn't been cancelled. If a person is fired for those reasons, it is not a cancel culture but CAPITALISM working the way it does. If a company doesn't want to work with someone because of a toxic brand, then that's capitalism they have the issue with, not a made up invisible term used by political opponents 

The fact that the right has been able to find it and let it stick after Black Twitter came up with "cancelled" the right wing has of course co-opted something likely liberals termed and used it for their purposes. That is part of why people should stop allowing the Right to set the narrative and constantly put their spin on everything. 

It is mind numbing to me that we have to tell adults that suffering the consequences of their own actions when they claim that a fatal police shooting of an unarmed person of color is the same thing. No it's not. Consequences happen, they're just not that fond of when it finally happens to them 

Furthermore, it's an empty phrase now, it's like empty calories that seem fun to talk about but really means nothing in the grand scheme of things. It's just a muddled mess of nothing--and the Right and Conservatives excel at taking the attention away from the working class because they are in the pockets of the same millionaires and billionaires that want to kill the safety net, zero out the minimum wage and hold onto Jim Crow both socially and economically like he was a friend of theirs 

The "Culture Wars" are a blatant distraction from economic realities. Right leaning folks would stand better served by joining with the progressive left in opposing endless wars, bloated military budgets and Big Pharma...but again...the social issues mark off the teams and all that matters is which team you're on


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