Netflix's Love Is Blind (2020) My Review SPOILERS

Love is Blind was filmed in 2018 and presented in 2020 billed as an experiment to test a question "Is love blind?" This is not a scientific experiment as this Youtuber points out. This to me is the Netflix equivalent of a twitter thread where someone asks a question claiming they "wanna see somethin". So with that said, let's set up the environment in which this "experiment" takes place 

1. You're going to go on dates with soundproof pods. A speaker in the room is the only way you can hear one another 

2. If you feel a strong connection, you can propose at ANY TIME

3. You only see who you date AFTER you propose 

4. You go to Mexico for a honeymoon, live in ATL for a month then you decide at the altar to say I do or I don't 

We have an article here of 39 rules they had to follow if you want to look them up 

So now with the rules out of the way let's meet our couples 

Diamond and Carlton. Diamond is awesome, Carlton's a Closeted Drama Filled mess 

Cameron and Lauren, the fan favorite, our Cinderella story

Amber and Barnett. Amber had terrible Credit and Barnett's real name is Matt

Kenny and Kelly, the predictably boring stable couple 

Jessica and Mark, Jessica wanted to stay on the show so she chose Mark as a consolation prize when Barnett rejected her. Mark is a playboy and this was found out AFTER the reunion

Gianna and Damian, Gianna is always on Instagram and Damian seems to try to recreate the pods experience....whew...

The "Experiment" 

Questions: Can you fall in love with someone sight unseen? Yes

Can you make the connection work IRL? Yes

Will you marry that person? Yes

Let's be frank as well, this entire single to engaged to married timetable is quite accelerated. You're dating for 10 days and connect with someone, then you propose when on average it takes a few years THEN you get to the altar without knowing if your partner will finally say I DO. This is not an "experiment" it's a production. It is a product, it is filming in hopes that ONE of them could be the Disney story that we've told ourselves can be possible, but you only believe it's possible FOR OTHER PEOPLE... I need to reel that in...Okay, back to the review

But this is a bunch of horse crap...Why do we have to even watch the show where conventionally attractive people from ATL have to test this? Not ONE of them was overweight or had a physical or emotional disability, or anything that would make someone question if love is TRULY blind

The premise is bull, they SHOULD say "Love can be blind if you're conventionally attractive" It reminds me of this MADTV sketch a little 

Carlton changes for the worse and eventually tells Diamond he is bisexual, and the next day he comes off as defensive. They trade barbs back and forth and that's the end of their relationship. I hear he came out later as gay, bu I don't have any proof of that. Regardless, he was wrong for not telling Diamond before he proposed to her, but it is understandable why he didn't. Unfortunately many men do this and end up hurting a woman they love because they don't feel permitted to live their entire truth


Damian and Gianna fight that Gianna is always on her phone and she always initiates sex BUT she never compliments on his....skills

Kenny wants to consummate their relationship but Kelly refuses,she wants to be sure of her  Kenny is really all about Kelly. 

Mark and Jessica continue to have issues making their relationship work IRL because he is 10 years younger. She is not that kind to Mark and constantly hits on Barnett, who is apparently uncomfortable with it. 

Amy and Barnett are blissful, Amber is deep in debt and Barnett is Barnett. They don't have any drama except for Jessica trying to get between them 

Lauren and Cameron are living the dream 


After getting a honeymoon in advance, many of the couples tell their families. They will live one month in an apartment in Atlanta while planning their wedding

Lauren's Dad has a heart to heart with Cameron...he also raps (facepalm...but he was asked to rap so...not as cringe as I thought) and Lauren's Father tells Cameron that there will be rough conversations ahead. He is all in, 

Mark and Jessica...Messica gets on my nerves with her constant drinking and obsessing over their 10 year age difference. Barnett was 7 years younger than her but that didn't matter. 

We can see a few cracks in the relationships but I haven't mentioned Kenny and Kelly because they weren't featured much outside of the fact that Kelly didn't want to consummate the relationship and wanted to be absolutely certain of her choice. Even when you are 99% sure, there is always that 1% out there 


As the clock winds down and the couples make their way to the are the couples that said "I do" 

Fan Favorites Cameon and Lauren

Amber and Barnett 

Everyone else said I don't 


The main things I liked: The premise, Cameron and Lauren, the fact that two people fated to meet fell in love on the show and are happy 

Dislikes: Execution of the premise. As I said before everyone was "perfect" if love were "truly blind" I want to see how people would contend with someone who's a recovering alcoholic or has had issues with mental health. Things that would really test the premise. I would've liked to see some of the people that didn't end get engaged

Jessica: Drunkard, settled for Mark to stay on the show and was trifling in her pursuit of Barnett. I think the producers had some prodding in the works so that she could stay for drama potential...and BOY did they get it. Also Jessica is dating as of this writing a foot and ankle surgeon. This leads me to believe she wanted someone on her level. She was making at least 6 figures and Mark as a personal trainer was likely nowhere near that. 

I personally dispise the drama characters, bu alas, if you're trying to sell a show without'll be cancelled 


For all it tries to do and exposit about love and the broad dramatic claims the hosts make, and the fact that they aren't even necessary (seem to be phoned in and aren't even there for the weddings) They tried to make this product more important than it is, like a megalomaniac overstating their importance. It's not some grand thing, but fails to be a truly meaningful exploration of the premise. So my full rating is:

It's enjoyable, but

Even with all of that, it is watchable and if you like dating reality shows it is done a little differently, but a variant of the familiar. Out of 5, I give it a 3


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