Can You Be Pro Child and Pro Choice? I submit that you can

I had posted something a while back and I had to talk about one thing: Being pro child and pro choice and the fact that the right wing pro-life, push my agenda on the rest of America we don't want comprehensive sex education because they'll find out that sex feels good and will be able to make good decisions about sex that just differ from the 'traditional' Victorian values we decide should dictate society crowd. I have always made my case this way: I do believe that abortion is murder. I believe that in no uncertain terms. However, when I see these ultrasound bills popping up and the fact that contraceptives are becoming harder and harder to get in states that are more often than not very conservative and many times in tandem religious, I have a lot to say about that. NC is one of the states that an ultrasound bill is being challeneged and has been suspended from enactment. Governor Perdue vetoed it but they were able to override it. In fact, about 300+ bills were introduced to deal with abortion, contraception and sex education in 2011 alone and more are coming down the pike. Although Republicans were supposed to deal with the economy, House Resolution 3 from the US House of Reps was titled No Taxpayer Money for Abortion.

I believe that these bills are intrusive and that sex ed being watered down the way it has to include only heteronormative interpretations of sex and sexuality are failing our kids like nothing else. Right now, anything gay related is a hot potato that The Religious Right will automatically say will hurt kids by 'sexualizing them' not remembering that they are already having sex and should be getting condoms. Also, public health in many of those states are in fact being cut like crazy as well as across the nation because Repubs and Republicrats are all allowing those programs to be cut, this is not just an attack on peoples' personal autonomy where others are not concerned per se but more in the way of legislating only ONE morality and dissent can be punished by law. I say that a lot of these law are First Amendment violations waiting to happen

Now, about the part of being pro life and pro choice, or as one woman called it: Pro Child, Pro Choice. Above, I talked about the three fold attack on birth control, abortion and sex education, but they're all one in the same. I am pro child, I love children, I like seeing kids and their parents playing on the swings and things. I remember one time while being in Manhattan, I watched my little cousins play and they were having a great time with Grandma! I enjoyed it too, and my eyes were tuned to them, I knew what they were wearing, I could catch them from angles only a parent would recognize and I even took notice of the other children, why? Because I have always had paternal longings. My sister always says that if she were ever incapacitated or anything happened to her where she couldn't take care of my niece, she wants me to care for her. I see that as a WOW moment, and WOW upside down is MOM

(While it is a stock photo, I really enjoy the fact that the man is embracing the child) 
I think about what drives a woman to the terrible choice of whether or not to keep a child, while I would rather her go for adoption, I understand that it is a tough choice for her to make and for her alone to make. I would want to make adoption to be easier to do, as far as the paperwork and things, have agencies talk to one another and the costs of adopting to be cheaper. Instead of all these oil subsidies, adoption subsidies should be doubled, because it is in essence like buying a child. I hate to say it like that but that is  kind of what it is like, they're scrutinizing EVERYTHING, every person in your life. In fact, sometimes I wonder if my Lovey and I end up together at the end of the day, what that would mean for him and I because I feel his addiction would definitely hinder us. However, that is the kind of thing someone has to think about when they deal with adoption.

Yet, when people tell me that my pro child and pro choice conflict, I simply say this: I would encourage adoption, but my opinion on someone else's behavior is simply that. Opinion. I can influence, but I can't make a decision for them that they'll have to end up making themselves. My personal choices are mine, and someone said: What he eats, I don't sh(( out. In other words, while there are cases in which young women are raped by a male relative, I am sure that not too many of these rapes end up in pregnancy. Even then, it is not my decision to make and I would hope that the woman would give her child up and allow that child to have a better life. There are open adoptions like the one that Dan Savage and his partner have and then there are closed ones which the Leffew family has becuase the Mother had lost custody of ANY children she were to have in the future.

I am pro child and pro choice, the Religious Right has hogged the word Pro Child long enough, it is time for us moderates to reject that and to pass it on while valuing the ideals of our Constitution both explicit and implicit--let's hope the Supreme Court does so too! As a man, I would never know the anguish that drives a woman to the clinic, and then even if I did, I would want programs that would help women and fund programs that help women parent, things like life skills, parenting classes, budgeting their money. THESE are the kinds of things we should really protest and push for instead of worrying about a symptom of not only income and educational inequality, and the rest of the other factors that push a woman int he direction of the clinic. The Repub Legislators if they really want to fight for life, they will fight for healthcare, neo natal and post natal care as well as expanding programs to Mothers, single and married because single mothers aren't the only ones that need support

Until The Pen Strikes Again


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