Uganda Gay Rights Group Sues American Hate Exporter Scott Lively

Hello All,

I had seen a lot of stories on this event and I have to say one thing: About time. I personally am sick and tired of hate exporters who like to go to other underdeveloped countries and exploit the religious nature of the people in that country and pass unconstitutional laws that will not only criminalize but many times call for the death penalty against gay 'activity' or 'behavior'. I put that in quotes because a lot of times one can tell you exactly what it is outside of something sexual. Scott Lively is such a person who testifies in such countries, like Latvia and other Eastern European countries that have a more conservative bend to them and peddling lies that mobilize the religious right here. Echoing things that Prop 8 supporters said time and time again about children being harmed by just knowing that gay families exist, that if marriage equality is enacted pedophiles will have access to our children, that children will grow up wondering if they should marry Janie or Johnny. In fact, there have been experts in the fields of psychology that many LGBT people have known since before puberty which would preclude any notion of conscious choice being made in regard to sexuality.
That doesn't stop any thought of recruitment. Also, I would not want to recruit ANYONE into the life of a gay, lesbian, bisexual or transgender person. It is a life that though it is not much different from the lives of many other Americans, it is a life where people are wondering if their newly won rights are going to be gone with the signature of the Governor or Mayor or reversed by the people who put that protection on the ballot, or possibly the worst case: A judge upholds a discriminatory law that was surgical in its precision and thus drains their spirits regarding justice and equality. In fact, St. Petersburg has enacted a law prohibiting the 'spread of gay propaganda' but they won't say what 'propaganda' is. Simply, put it must be anything Pro-LGBT saying that it is okay to be gay, lesbian, bisexual or transgender, and that the only reason for this is animus against LGBT people and allies who would advocate for them. What about lawyers that would help gay families with adoption or other legal services? What about divorce proceedings? (I don't believe marriage equality hasn't come to Russia) Counselors can be subjected to harassment and court action under this law if they are helping gay and lesbian people accept themselves or if they counsel kids who are having issues or parents that have a child that is LGBT and they want to be supportive of them? Now, I can't be surprised if I saw a lot of Russian FAMILY groups behind this legislation who decided that they were going to be the guard of Russia and say that gay people can't be allowed to exchange their beliefs with the public and be protected by the same laws that would be extended to let's say Catholics in the public square

So when a story comes out that takes someone to task, I get excited. The SMUG Sexual Minorities Uganda has slapped Scott Lively with a Civil Suit. I don't know much more than that but I would like to see a lot of this happening to other so called evangelists whose main export of their faith is a hatred for gays and lesbians. Sometimes I hate hearing the H word...homosexual because it seems so clinical and sterile, but it is a lot better than faggot and dyke. To be honest, I want to see every single person who has went abroad, groups going there under 'humanitarian' efforts that do some good, but do so much more harm for the LGBT people within that country. I don't know what that will do because I'm not exactly keeping up with it and I'm not seeing much being reported in this effort, but I want so much to see religious groups take a double take before they demonize LGBT citizens in other countries.


I am convinced that these people who do such things are guilty of murder and incitement to murder. When MP David Bahati had introduced this bill and the Rolling Stones article had came out, whatever homophobia had been there has been stoked and raged. Another thing I find interesting is how many Ugandans on a program I watched a little while ago called Voice Of Africa (not sure if that's correct) said that homosexuality was not natural, an import of Western Culture and alluded to the Bible as their authority, but didn't note the irony that before Western settlers came down to Africa, that the Bible and Christianity was an import as well. Christianity had been spread to Africa prior but not in the concentration as it had been after the Western European powers had basically overrun Africa. It is my hope that many Courts and Legislatures will repeal theirs sodomy laws and will make these peoples' gay bashing around the world something of antiquity. It has no place in this world with all the beautiful people in it

Until The Pen Strikes Again


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