If Republicans were really Pro Life

If Republicans were really Pro Life
Companion Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PX_KytAMe7Q

I’m sick of Pro Life being used to say that a woman doesn’t have the right to her own decisions about her body. They’ve gone through with targeting abortion clinics, killing the doctors, in fact in KS they’re targeting a doctor that didn’t force a 10 year old girl to give birth to her Uncle’s child. They seem to care for the unborn and will ban abortion even in the case of a stillbirth and even if one is medically necessary. Their regard for human life is cruel and they’d let a woman die than have her terminate a pregnancy but I have a bone to pick with Pro Lifers. If you are really pro life Why don’t we see

More Spending on Healthcare and Less on Our military,
We spend more than our allies and if we cut 10% of our military we could have some mandated relief for schools in urban and poorer areas
Give Group Homes expanded programs so that before kids age out of the system they have a vocation or a trade and money for college
More community centers, after school, gifted student programs like AP Classes and less jails
More clinics in urban areas
More public health centers for people who don’t have health insurance
More good laws governing healthcare and preventative medicine, covering these in your plans
Healthcare plans not being able to kick off people with pre existing or chronic conditions
More spending on education
Adoption subsidies would be greater and more families would qualify for it
Healthcare plans covering in vitro fertilization and women’s expenses who are surrogates
More support for Obamacare
Passing a bill that would help curb prison rape, educate people on prison rape and take reports of harassment in jail seriously
More HIV & Cancer grants for healthcare facilities and research
Funds for bridges, road and other infrastructure to improve the quality of life
Help children of LGBT parents to keep their healthcare under both parents
Support STD and public health services which include condoms for men wherever they will congregate

If an unborn child is a person, but a person is a corporate asset, you are not pro life, because you don’t care about the quality of a person’s life who is already living.


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