To The NALTs: Start Confronting Your Leaders and Stop Confronting Me

To The NALTs: Start Confronting Your Leaders and Stop Confronting Me

I was on a video that called out Dan Savage for his so called bullying of the Christian students who voluntarily showed up to a lecture where they knew the possibility of being offended was great, and they decided to make a point still by walking out assuming that people would notice. When Dan called that pansy assed, I agreed and wouldn’t even have taken it back why? Because when we call out pansy ass behavior, we’re being intolerant, but when they call us pansy assed it’s a joke and everyone should laugh it up. Not impressed

So in that, we have a lot of people who say Dan, not all Christians are the hateful, homobashing, want us all dead and thrown behind electric fences, stop us from adopting, getting married then bash us for not wanting to adopt and then get married, then stop us also from any kind of recognition and being any kinds of persons under the law. We’re not all like that. We’re not all like Todd Akin who believes that there are degrees of rape, one called forcible and the others are whatever they are. We all don’t want to limit contraceptive coverage and some of us believe abortion is wrong but we won/t move to outlaw it or vote for a ban on it. We all don’t want to defund Planned Parenthood and we all don’t subscribe to this idea that gay rights will curb my religious freedom because my religious beliefs are not to be imposed on everyone because they’re mine

Great, you’ve told me, I know that. Now go and give that wonderful speech to the Christian leaders that believe they speak for you and boldly proclaim that you are all like that. You are all people who would deny a man his HIV meds because he’s gay, or deny a woman her contraception because you believe it’s wrong. You are being falsely represented and now I challenge you to do something about it. First, vote against these extremists, next, RUN for office against these hatemongers. Don’t tell me that you’re not all like that, prove it by confronting the people that speak for you because they’re the ones that need to be convinced that you’re not all like that


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