This Election is Crucial!!! Obama 2012!!!

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So, Congress is now going to be campaigning, and transportation bills haven’t been passed at all which saw fares around the country go up, drought in the Midwest and West Coast have been getting worse and the House and Senate haven’t been able to get anything done about it. I say the obstructionist Republicans in the House want to use that as a wedge issue against Obama. Never mind they didn’t call the American Jobs Act and the only jobs bills they’ve passed dealt with tax cuts to employers and something about Indian and Chinese labor and that they would want to drill on American soil and deplete our resources just to make a quick buck.

But the fact is this: The Obstructionists will end up using all that obstruction for their campaigns and making it seem as if President Obama is a bad leader. Forgetting that Boehner walked out of talks with President Obama and Reid and called the payroll tax cut a “Chickenshit” issue which only affected unemployed Americans who can’t give too too much to their campaigns and they fought that tooth and nail. They’ve even gone to opposing things they once were for. Let’s take early voting in OH for example, this has nothing to do with the federal picture, but in a way it does. Secretary of State John Husted wanted to extend early voting from 8am to 7pm in GOP leaning districts and cut it from 8a to 5pm in Dem leaning Districts, as well as cut weekend voting when many people may have time to vote because their work week may be unforgiving. When early voting was passed, it was hailed as helping voter turnout. Another thing is same day registration, where they can also vote the same day too. Many states have it 30 days but for ME, MN and in the near future CA, it will be a welcome thing, especially if MN upholds their current voting laws and avoids redefinition by their State Constitution

Same day voting states are MN, OH, NC, ID, IA, ME, MT, NH, WI, WY and Washington DC.

The fact is those with same day registrations can have a lot higher turnout than those who don’t and since 1 OH is a swing state, that could make all the difference. Most of the radical Repubs know that and this is why voter ID is such a valuable tool for that. So, if they can breed enough fatigue with the President and say that they were doing all they could to build infrastructure and say that everything they pass stalled in the Senate they can make it seem as if the Democrats are to blame for the lack of progress. Along with big money and pummeling swing state voters they can both buy and steal the election for Romney.

That is why this whole election cycle will be a test of willpower and sheer determination because we can’t afford a Romney Ryan ticket that will destroy social programs and force us to foot the bill for millionaires who don’t need an extra 76K for a dancing horse. It could be the difference between us being able to pass legislation that protects the Middle Class and gives us a tax cut and pushes the extra off on the millionaires that can afford it or not. It can also affect the next Supreme Court. Can you really trust a man who sings America the Beautiful but will loot and pillage this country in ways George W couldn’t have dreamed. In fact, the only distance he has from Bush’s economic plans are…I can’t think of one because one doesn’t exist. Obama is America’s President we can’t allow Obstructionist Republicans make us fight amongst ourselves as if we’re the enemy. The enemy makes us all think we are each other’s enemy and after we are all too tired to fight, they conquer us easily for we directed our energy at the wrong people.


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